Creating Content (not copy) That Dances with Sarah Schwab

Patty Farmer

Sarah Schwab is the Founder and President of Content Creation Coach and the Author of the Amazon #1 Bestselling book “Content That Dances.” She is known for her expertise in helping small businesses and entrepreneurs create a strategy and develop consistent, compelling content that builds connections and engagement, leading to growth.

Sarah works with clients one-on-one to develop website content, implement consistent email marketing, and build lead-generation tools. She has created hundreds of blog articles, produced videos, teleseminars, webinars, e-books, and more.


Grow your business with engaging and value-filled content and killer opt in pieces. Get in touch with Sarah Schwab if you’re ready to create content and make an impact.

FREEBIE: 40 Topic Starters

Get 40 ideas that will inspire you and generate ideas for your articles, videos, e-books, or whatever content you are creating next! These topics will help you attract the right people, establish you as an expert as well as a real person, and build a trusting relationship that leads to greater engagement and sales. >>


Available on Amazon >> Content That Dances

Discover a simplified and applicable approach to content creation! The strategy and information provided in Schwab’s premiere release will help those passionate about their messages or businesses to create connections with their target clients, while making a difference with the products and services at which they excel. >>