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Creating Your Podcast Ecosystem Strategies for Launch, Production, and Global Visibility with Kay Suthar
Podcasting is evolving at lightning speed! Join Patty and her expert guest, Kay Suthar, the CEO and founder of the Make Your Mark podcast agency, as they take us into the cutting-edge world of AI and Web3 technologies in podcasting. Discover how these innovations can revolutionize the podcasting ecosystem, boosting visibility and transforming shows into profitable ventures. Learn about future-proofing your podcast with AI and Web3 integration, and explore the incredible benefits of video podcasting for SEO and authority building. Get tips on launching your podcast, like seeding content early, getting your audience involved, and using cross-promotion opportunities. Find out how digital assets like podcasts, websites, and SEO play an important role in driving business growth. Don’t miss this episode packed with valuable tips and strategies for podcasters!
Key Questions Answered in This Episode:
- What does creating a podcast ecosystem entail?
- What are some key practical steps necessary for ensuring a podcast’s success from launch to global recognition?
- What are some advanced production techniques and tools that ensure high-quality content resonates with the audience, especially for those looking to elevate their production value?
- What are some sustainability practices for long-term success and relevance in the podcasting landscape?
- What trends are shaping the future of podcasting, and how can both new and seasoned podcasters stay ahead of the curve to maintain their competitive edge?
- What role do emerging technologies like AI and Web3, and changing listener behaviors play in this evolution?
- How can podcasters maximize their episode content for cross-platform promotion and increased visibility, and what specific platforms and tactics have been found most effective?
“There’s a new way of podcasting, that’s round the corner, and we gotta get ready for that. But we got to start with making sure we understand how to implement different strategies using AI. So when that new curve comes, we are already ready. And we’re not going to get left behind.” – Kay Suthar
About our Guest:
Kay Suthar, CEO and Founder of Make Your Mark (Podcast) Agency, isn’t just another podcasting expert. She’s revolutionizing the podcasting space by integrating AI and Web3 technologies, pioneering a unique approach to community building. It’s about creating the perfect eco-system around your podcast that will not only turbo charge your visibility on a global scale but turn your podcast into a money making machine. With a focus on future-proofing, Kay coaches on revolutionizing the way podcasts are launched, produced, and experienced, guesting strategies, maximizes episode content, and leads the charge in building decentralized, resilient communities.
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Hello, everyone, and welcome to today's episode of the Marketing, Media, Money podcast. And I am excited because we are going to talk about something. I don't think everybody talks about all that often. You're hearing a lot of people talking about podcasting, whether it is your own podcast, or whether you are guesting on podcasts. But what you're not hearing him talk about is how do you create your own echo system? So it works for you. Right, how it works for you not just to get you more visibility, how to get an international presence really, and how to make money at it. Because really, that's the name of the game, right. So today, I want to tell you all about my guests because I am really excited. She's coming in all the way from London, coming in virtually all the way from London. So let me tell you a little bit about her. So okay, so their CEO and founder of Make Your Mark podcast agency. She is a just another podcasting expert. She's revolutionizing the podcasting space by integrating AI and web three technologies. Pioneering a unique approach to community building is about creating the perfect ecosystem around your podcast. That will not only turbocharge your visibility on a global scale, but turn your podcast into a money making machine with a focus on future proofing que coaches on revolutionizing the way podcasts are launched, produced and experienced guesting strategies, maximizes episode content and leads the charge in building decentralized resilient communities. So I have to tell you, I can't wait to dive into all of that. So hey, thanks so much for being here with me my friend.
Kay Suthar:Oh my goodness, I'm so excited to be here. And I gotta say, I love the fact that you say echo system and not ecosystem I got to remember that.
Patty Farmer:Echo system right it this is supposed to be ecosystem, I always say echo system and Bodrum.
Kay Suthar:In the UK, we say ecosystem but I'm not okay you in the US has echo system. It may be talking to
Patty Farmer:Love to tell you Okay, before we dive in, just to give some background to the audience, I met Kay, almost a year ago on a podcast cruise that we were both on. And I have to tell you, with all the people that were there, instantly her and I connected and bonded and spent a lot of time there together. And then after we met there, we both went to a podcast conference podfest. And we had a lot of time that we spent there. And as a matter of fact, I have to tell you, the highlight of that trip for me was the breakfast that you and I had together. That was like four hours.
Kay Suthar:And yes, it was an amazing conversation. And what you're saying is, if we didn't have to have to go, we will probably still be sitting there at the diner. Go through lunch, dinner, everything.
Patty Farmer:There was so good. So good. I was like, it was one of the times where I thought and I wanted to just take my phone, I was like, could we record this because it was so good. I mean, the nuggets that we were sharing, I have to tell you, if we would have recorded that that would have been like a workshop masterclass, or a private podcast or something that we would have done right there.
Kay Suthar:That's absolutely no, it was an amazing conversation. And we'll I felt like we were just riffing off each other, as well, right? Because of your expertise and my expertise. Is that okay? Like what, you know, what am I learning from you? What are you learning from me, and just like rift in and it just went on and on and on. And it just turned into this huge, big thing.
Patty Farmer:And then like, so waiting to get you on the show. So I gotta tell you, so for those who listening, I mean, it's like, you're gonna be a fly on the wall. Like, we're just sitting at that restaurant, again. And you all get to be here, too. So I hope you have your pen and paper out because we're gonna dive right in right now. So here's the very first question. I think that they may be thinking when they heard me introduce you, right? So yes, what does creating a podcast echo system entail? But what are you mean by integrating AI and web three technology? Because I'm sure some of the people listening, they probably do know what AI is, but they may not know what web three is. So one right, start there. Okay,
Kay Suthar:Okay,so we will know about AI and the different tools. And there are things that have come out in the last couple of years, right. And so we're about integrating a lot of the AI systems to make it a lot more efficient, a lot more productive. And just to make it easier on yourself when producing a podcast, right. And a lot of people are already doing that they already implemented a lot of these different tools. But web three, now web three is the next level of the internet. Right? And a lot of people are still trying to kind of get their head around it or something I don't really know about it. Not heard of it. But it's where podcasting is going is where technology is going. Right. And so what we are doing with especially with our own clients, is we're getting them ready for the next revolution of the internet, which is the web three, and the web three is going to be A Game changer, because you'll be able to implement things like Bitcoin, right? Cryptocurrency NF t's not only go into that way too much, because I know it's gonna go over people's heads right now. But there's a new way of podcasting, that's round the corner. And we got to get ready with that. And we got to get ready for that. But we got to start with making sure we understand how to implement different strategies using AI. So when that new curve comes, we already ready, and we're not going to get left behind.
Patty Farmer:Which is important. And that's what you mean, when you say future proofing? Right? Yeah, no, absolutely. I think a lot of times what happens is people see what's going on, like when AI first came out, right? And so there's always people like us who are early adopters, right? You know, I know I love being a trendsetter, don't we have got it. Sometimes people want to sit around and wait, because sometimes things come and go very, very quickly, especially in the marketing space, right? So they want to wait, but then what happens is they wait and watch for so long, that then they're trying to play catch up. And they're not ready for the next curve to come like you're talking about? Because there you haven't become proficient at what came before. Right? You know, so I think that it's really important to find somebody that you could trust that even if you're not there yet, then you have that person who's going to walk beside you, you know, kind of take you through that as you're ready, right? You know, and that's what I really love about you is that because you are ahead of the game. And so that's always something that I think is really important. When you want somebody in your trusted inner circle, right?
Kay Suthar:They definitely. And so you got to make sure that you are keeping ahead of the game, because we saw what happened when we look back at the pandemic, right, we saw what happened to a lot of businesses that didn't keep up with technology, right with the way the world was going. And so the way I see that that's a lesson to be learned. Let's not let that happen to us again, or never happened in the future. And let's learn from those mistakes. And let's move forward and implement the technologies we need to so we can actually future proof in every way that we can.
Patty Farmer:Which is just so important. Right? Yes. When you're talking about that podcast, echo system. CSM, right, what does that entail? And could you outline some key practical steps that are necessary for ensuring that your podcast success from launch to global recognition? And what do you mean by holistic approach? Because I'd love that you said to me that you take a holistic approach on that. And I think that's really important. So what do you mean by that?
Kay Suthar:Okay, so first of all, I'm all about Listen, we want visibility, we want people to know us, we want people to know, like, and trust us, the best way to do this is by having a video podcast, right? I'm all about let's get our faces on screen, let people know who we are, because we are the face of our brands, right? So if you're gonna be starting a podcast, then make sure it's a video podcast, rather, that's what I'm all about. Now, there's a few reasons why we want to have a video podcast. And that's because you can leverage it in so many different ways when you have a video. And one of the ways that you want to do that is you want to make sure that you can get snippets, again, you can use AI tools for this, right, create a bid, put it on social media, right, um, turn it into little short reels, you want to put it on stories, right. So all of a sudden, you have a podcast, and now you're on social media. And then to take it further than that, to add to the ecosystem, you want to make sure that you're then creating blogs, right for each one of your episodes. The reason for this is because a lot of our audience, they're learning different ways. Some are visual, some are auditory. And believe it or not, Patti, some do actually still like to read, right? So we want to make sure that we're catering to as many people as possible to make sure we have a bigger audience. And so you want to turn it into a blog, as well as having it on auditory as well. Right? So you'd want to take out the audio from the video and put it up on a podcast. So now you got audio, you got video, and you got it in writing. Right, three big things. And the other thing you want to do you want to do this as many times as possible. Now you want to have a release every single week. Because remember what I was talking about in the diner with regards to SEO, right? And when you have your own podcast and you have your own video, right, it SEO will blow through the roof organically. And the reason for that is because you will put your video on YouTube. Right? And it will go up when it comes to Google ranking because guess what? Google owns YouTube right And so what's gonna happen is when people start seeing you on social media, they start hearing you on podcasts, they start seeing your blogs, they're gonna do what any natural person does. And that's they don't do the research and due diligence and find out if you are the real thing. And where they're gonna go to do that is they're gonna go to Google and search your name and see what actually comes up. And all of a sudden, you'll have all these videos, blogs, everything coming up all on Google. And that's how you build your authority really quickly through video podcasting.
Patty Farmer:Okay, good. So I want to kind of deep dive into that just for a few minutes. Yeah. So video, you know, I probably did 120 of my episodes, audio only first before I switched over to video. And I'm so glad that I did. So here's one of the things that issue things that people say when we're talking about video and YouTube specifically. And since this is your area of expertise, I know that the people out there are thinking it. So when you talk about Google, like I know the answer, but maybe they don't. Right. So when we talk about Google owning YouTube, so there's a couple things. So just because you have it on YouTube itself, it's because you really need to optimize that description, right? It's what you write in the description, and how important that is. So I want you to talk about that. But I'm just gonna give you the rest of the question. So you can incorporate it in there. And then the other thing is, when you're talking about blogging, would you embed the video in the blog? Or would you just put the link to the video to the blog and drive them to YouTube? I know the answer. But again, maybe the audience doesn't. So when you're talking about those two things, I think optimizing for SEO and knowing exactly what to do with the video is super important. Absolutely.
Kay Suthar:I totally agree. So yes, when you want to put it on YouTube, your title, your description, shownotes needs to all be optimized. And what that really means, right is, this is a quick and easy way of I guess explaining it to people that are not too sure how to go about it. When you are recording your episode, make sure that the transcripts are recorded to Okay, now the transcripts have the keywords that you have used in the video, right? That you will want to add into things like your title, your description, and your show notes. That is what is going to help you in the basic level to optimize your entire podcast as well as the descriptions. Everything was hand in hand all together helping you get results and rank higher on Google. Okay, so that is really, really important. And regards to implementing your videos into blog? Absolutely. Absolutely. I would say I put the video up on there. Right? You can actually there's different ways you can put the link on there as well. And what you can do with the link, right is have that actually drive to your YouTube channel. Right? Now you can have a video on that. In fact, what I would like to do is, say you have a snippet of a video on there, right? Get them in tree like oh my goodness, like this actually sounds like a really awesome episode to watch. And what you do is put a link at the bottom and say, Hey, you want to listen and watch to the rest of the episode, then go here, click on this link. That's what
Patty Farmer:And make sure to subscribe and leave a review.
Kay Suthar:Generally, that's a given definitely right. So you want to do that, again, because you want your the traffic to keep appearing on different kinds of pages, different platforms that you're on, again, with when it comes to backlink. And we had this conversation, this opening helps in all of your, I guess, domains, your digital assets rank on Google as well.
Patty Farmer:So I think that is really important. So thanks for breaking that down for them. So today, I know that we're really going to talk about people who don't have a podcast yet and are thinking about launching one, maybe they're just guessing so far, and they haven't gone and got the round. And then we have people who are listening, who are seasoned podcasters. You know, they're seasoned, they have their own, have some time, maybe it's a YouTube, just a YouTube one, whatever the case may be, but we do have some season one as well. And so we want to make sure that we serve them all. So we're going to start the question with what are some innovative launch strategies or techniques that can help a new podcast stand out in a crowded market? And then can you share some examples and then we'll switch over to the season podcasters so yes, then we're not going to forget you.
Kay Suthar:So if you're just missing out, the number one thing is I feel that people forget that it's a launch right isn't yet another launch. And so you want to turn that into an event you want people to get excited to you want to get people know about it, just like if you had a challenge coming up a summit coming up right you You want to brag about it everywhere. And so if you're starting a new podcast, I will start seeding like a month in advance even further, right? Take people on the journey with you and let them know, you know what I'm thinking about starting a podcast, right around x, y, and Zed, right? And put it out on social media, put it out there and get people's thoughts, right, because people want to be part of the journey they want to see you grow. And when you have different thoughts, like, Oh, my goodness, what am I going to name it? Right? What colors should I use that what all these different questions that pop up when you're first starting a podcast, ask your audience, your audience will tell you exactly what they want exactly what they want to hear what they want to see. And at the end of the day, you're going to create a podcast that they're going to absolutely love because you're the one that asked for their advice, and they are your listeners. Okay, so you're already going to get them revved up sitting on the edge of their seat before your podcast is even dropped. Now, the first week that your podcast drops, I always say, release at least six episodes in that week, right, six episodes, because people have been waiting so much for it, you've teased them, right and told them all these little pieces that you're putting together. And so when it drops that on a listen to one episode, they want to binge Listen, or binge watch to a bunch of them, right. And so I would always say have three going out one day in a week, like a Tuesday, and then the Thursday, have another three release, and let them binge watch. Okay, or binge Listen, the other thing that I would like to add to that is, you can turn it into a social event, as well prior, right. And you can have a bunch of people come to an event, a networking event. And it can be a mixture of people that you had as a guest on your podcast that you've already recorded. And new people that come along to actually network, it can be in person, or it can be virtual completely up to you, right, and start networking and bringing the bus inviting people to the event, letting them know that this is a podcast event or podcast networking event, right, that's going to be dropped is going to be released. And then you're going to be showing them some uncut, some behind the scenes that people that hadn't seen before some of those episodes, so they know what's coming again, you want to build that buzz?
Patty Farmer:So you're building your own watch party.
Kay Suthar:Exactly, then you go
Patty Farmer:We're gonna have our own watch party. I love that that is really great. And I think those are some really good things. I actually saw somebody a bunch of people actually. And I thought it was kind of cool. They actually did these little teaser videos and you know, stuff like that. So there's a lot of things that you can do. And I have found personally from a marketing standpoint, when you want people to give you their opinion, a lot of times when people are thinking about it, they're asking themselves the question, if I answer this, are you going to try to sell me something? Right? You know, a lot of times we do it on social, right, you know, they don't salesy and they ask these questions, as soon as you say it, five seconds later, they're in your private messages, right? You know, we know it. But what I love about this is as soon as you use something like hashtag market research, people love to give their opinion. And then who is asking their opinion, because you're doing research, all of a sudden, they're like, Oh, well, I'd love to give you my opinion. And they feel real three about doing it, because they know you're just doing research. So I think it is really a great way. I know, in my live events, every single year at my event, they will say to me, you know, I'd be really cool about it. I'm like, No, tell me what would be really cool. And I will tell you, every single thing that they have ever told me to do, has worked. When every single time, you know they'd like, Oh, that'd be really great. If you waited a couple days and did an alumni event. Oh, that'd be good. Oh, how do you know we really great if you added a day on just for speaking that would be really great. Like, you know, I have done all those things. So yeah, your audience will tell you what the next thing is they want and then when you listen. And if you do it in advance, like you're talking about now you have time now you come up with some offers around it as well for what they said. So when you do it, you're actually already have those things in place. So I mean, I think asking the your audience what they want makes a lot of sense. And nobody says you have to do what they say. Right? Yeah. Oh, if it's if it's not right for your business, you're just asking them, you know, so I think that is really good. So I love that. Thank you.
Kay Suthar:Okay, so let's raise our shift. Let's shift a little. Let's do it.
Patty Farmer:Let's shift to the season podcast or so. Can you share some advanced production techniques and tools that will ensure high quality content that resonates with your audience, especially for those looking to elevate their production value, right, you know,
Kay Suthar:Laos. Okay, so I'm loving this question, why? Because I'm in the middle of doing something quite special at the moment with my podcast. Now, this is why I say video podcasting, okay, because you can do so much more, they can leverage it so much more. And so what I am doing, I am creating a seasons. Okay, my next season is actually called Real women real talk, right? And it's going to be talking about things like when we're in business as women when not just business women were wives, we our girlfriends were mothers were daughters were were everything combined together, right? And so how do we make it work, because not only I will wear several hats in our business, but also in our personal lives, right, we got double whammy. And then what I'm doing is having these, and I calling it a mini series, having these women talk about all aspects of their life, but also turning it into a summit cost. A summit cost is an online Summit, right? Where they can come in and watch these episodes for free. Right now they're gonna be the first ones to actually get access to it, you have a VIP where you get the behind scenes, you'll also get some gifts from all the speakers. So you can learn more about them. Like there's several ways you can do this. And so they will actually see the episodes, the behind the scenes, get some gifts. And then on the back of that, they will actually be able to meet all of these speakers that they've got to know that they've learned so much about at a live Summit. Right? And so when you do that, there's always going to be this. So you're looking at a sales funnel. This is what the sales funnel looks like. Right? And there's always going to be where people always ask me, how do you make money from a podcast, this is the next level. And what we do is now turning it into like almost like a TV production. Right? Where they have all these different seasons, you have the different series, you have all the different people and eventually at the live event is going to be a sofa couch interview, as to all the information that they've already learned what they're doing now where they've got to, because from the time the episode as she releases to the time you have a live Summit, there's probably going to be six months to a year between it. So where are they out now? What have they learned,
Patty Farmer:Which I think is really important too, especially from somebody that season. So like I really want the audience to really get what you're saying here. So if you're not, not just as a podcaster. So we can take this, this strategy sharing. Yeah, and kind of think about this. So how many times have you look in your inbox? Have you signed up for something? Not because you wanted the thing, but you just wanted to see the funnel? Right? How many times as a speaker, have you gone and seen somebody, then you've actually heard them speak before, but you want to watch the offer? You want to watch how they connect? You want to watch, like the process? Because that's how you learn the behind the scenes stuff? No, sometimes, you know, you see somebody's like, Man, I really wish I knew how they did that. Right? So when somebody's willing to share behind the scenes stuff, it's almost from a marketing point of view. It's almost like you're pre selling, like you're not selling anything there. But just because they're seeing all that you're thinking, wow, I kind of want to know that. And I have to tell you, okay, that every person I have ever hire, right? And I need like a higher end higher level stuff, right? So I've ever hire, I hire them. Because I got to see something they were doing. And it wasn't just that I wanted them to coach me, it was that I saw them doing something. And I was thinking, wow, the only way I'm going to learn how to do it is to hire them wrong. And that is always worked for me. And I always I think that's probably the best way to hire people. You know, really, because if someone were not willing, you know, there's always those people that are like, oh, yeah, I'll tell you what I want to tell you, but I'm not gonna, you know, I'm not gonna share. So you want people who are generous like that, that says a lot when people are willing. I mean, my whole magazine of podcast is I want people on the show that are gonna share behind the scenes of what's working now now five years ago, right? You know, because right, you don't want to know about and want to know what's working now. So that's why I love having you on the show. Because I think what you said right now is super important. I want to make sure that my listeners really get that on how important that really is. Because just watching the behind the scenes, and all those things, you are learning something so now when you're thinking, Oh, wow, you know what, I think I might want to do that or apply it to something else. Now you're gonna be like, You know what, I liked the way she did that. And whether that is you've got enough or whether they come to you and say, You know what, I'd like to hire you to show me how to do that or do it for me or whatever the case may be. But now you know that they can do it because you've seen it in action. Right? React is really important. So I think that point you made right there was gold that was a Super Bowl. nugget there. So I go everyday. Gotta make sure I pointed that out to them that that that was really gold right there.
Kay Suthar:Yeah. Now the thing is, when you're a seasoned podcaster, right, yeah, you are known, and you probably have like 100 episodes that are waiting to be released, because everybody wants to be on there now. But now it's like, Okay, what's the next level? And what I find is that people say to me, when are you having your event? When are you going to do your Summit? I wouldn't be doing this. Right. So again, they're telling me what they want, just like they told you what they wanted. Right? And so now that okay, how can I incorporate video podcasting, where I can bring it now into the event world, and I feel like this is it, this is how you do it. So now they're gonna have an actual, I guess, touch event. I don't know, I don't know if I'm using the right words. But as they get to actually see me, right, not just on a screen in real life. And again, when it comes to sales, and bringing in leads, this is a really good opportunity for them to actually have an opportunity to actually speak with you rather than seeing you on the screen.
Patty Farmer:And they can ask questions and touch you and feel you and I think when people get to touch you, I mean, it's all about know, like trust, right? And Yankee mash ordered that know, like trust cycle a lot when people can see you live, whether it's virtually or not. I mean, there's virtual, and then there's virtual live right, you know, and so I think that really is important. I think it shortens your learning curve and increases the sales cycle. Like, you know, and you know what I mean, they're, they're a little bit more trusting faster about spending the money when they've seen it in action. They've seen you behind the scenes, they see that you're sharing value. Right, you know, so I think that's really important. Really, thank you so much,
Kay Suthar:No, there is nothing that people wanting to have that connection face to face now, then people are like, Okay, we've done, we've done the whole screen thing, we get how that works. But now they want to get out there in the real life and be like, Okay, I actually want to speak to people now, face to face.
Patty Farmer:Exactly. That's where you're in London, and I'm here in Dallas. And that's why at least once a week, we're sending each other messages saying when are you going to be over here in the United States? And when are you going to whatever, so that you're like Paddy? When are you going to be over here? Oh, you're going to be at? Let's see how we had, you know, whatever we want in the same space? Yeah, often right. You know, so I think, you know, that is, you know, really important. But what I'd like to do now is let's step back a moment. Okay, step back a moment. Talk about you. Know, so, you know, having a podcast is one thing, opening a podcast agency is like a whole nother thing. Right. So, so can you share, like your podcast, a podcast agency journey? And, you know, what were some key challenges you faced, right, you know, in the early days, and what did you do to overcome them? And what made you want to start an agency so you could help others?
Kay Suthar:Oh, my goodness. So I didn't have any attention to starting a podcast agency at all. That was not where I was going with this. And so when, when I first came about podcasting, it was during the pandemic, right? Because before that I was in the events and sales industry, right, which is why I'm so excited to bring ELLs and events into podcasting now, because they will my roots, right? And so, when it was a pandemic, and I was like, Oh, my goodness, I need to do something more, right? Like, I can't just sit here at home looking at the four walls, you still have to promote. So oh, let me try this whole podcast and malarkey that people keep talking about. Let's just give that a go. And so I remember when I was first, I was speaking to somebody. And I was telling them about what I do what my experience is. And I've traveled all over the world and all this kind of stuff. And she turned around and goes, Oh, wow. Right? And I'm like, Oh, my goodness, this is gonna be a sale. Right? She loves what I just said to her. Right? And then she said, Oh, wow, you're the world's biggest secret. And I'm not hold up. Wait, what? Like, I'm not trying to be a secret. I'm trying to build an empire here. Right. And so that's when I was at. I've got to do something now can't just sit here and so I decided to jump on podcasting. And I first started with guesting right, I thought, let me see how this goes. And then we started guesting on podcast. And it didn't go very well. Patti in the beginning, nobody would interview me nobody would say yes. And I was out what is happening here because people are getting on podcast welcome. Hi. So about two or three months I've been strategizing use different tactics, and then got booked on 100 podcasts in 60 days. Yes, and now that oh my goodness. And people want to Well, how can you do this now? How can you everywhere? And I was up. Oh, that is the cost right there. I need to talk to you
Patty Farmer:I love that question though. I love I love it when somebody says to me, oh my gosh, Patti, like you're everywhere. Right? Like done a good job because really we're not everyone air all the time, right? Yeah. Everywhere.
Kay Suthar:Yes, exactly. And that's what it's all about making sure that you're visible everywhere because it was anything you're everywhere, right? So I've got all these podcasts. And then next thing was these hosts that were interviewing me were saying, Oh, wait, what's the name of your podcast? And I'm at ARC frappe? I don't have one. Okay, let me go create one, right? So you see the pattern here. I wait for people to ask me what they want before I go create it, right? And that's what I did. And so then I was like, Okay, let me go create a podcast. And then I started learning all the different components that are needed for our podcast. And then I was like, I don't want to do all of this. I don't want to do all of this, right. And remember, back then we didn't have all the AI tools that are now available to us today. So and so I started hiring different people to do these different components that's needed for a podcast. And those are doing them. And I've got my podcast up and launch. And they're like, Wait, hold on a second, how did you get your podcasts up so quickly? And I was at, oh, there's another program, right? And so that, let's put this whole production programs together, right, and actually do it for people, because now I've got a whole team that can do it for people. Right, right. And so it just kind of came about in a way that I didn't expect it to know that, okay, let's do this.
Patty Farmer:Or the pandemic was known for the pivot, right? And that damage was the, like, that's what happened, like, you do that. And then you pivot it right? And yes, I think some people did it. Right. Some people did it. And then some people just like you and me say, Well, what are we going to? What are we supposed to do? Now? We know and I have to tell you, it during the pandemic, not to say there were a lot of other things, you know, emotional stuff, what it was like to have to hunker down, you know, all of those things. Of course, there was that. But from a business point of view, as in how much money you made, that didn't change for me, because I could still do whatever I was doing. Right. And then you just pivot it, like some of the other things. So I think that looking at the things and listening to the questions that people ask, sometimes people listen to the questions, and then they just while why No, doesn't that suck, and you know, whatever. Or you can say, wow, I've had a lot of people say that I should probably come up with a solution for that. Because you have all these other skills. Right. So Vallely, you had skills on SEO, you add skills on all these other things. So it wasn't like you were just like the super newbie, didn't know anything. This was just a new project per se, using the skills that you already had. Right. So I think that is kind of really important. But I love in the time that I've known you, just and I've only known you for a year. But in that time I got involved even more and more and more as have I right, you know, but I think that's the name of the game. Yes. Everything else is evolving. So either you lean into it and see not every single thing is going to be the thing for your business. But you got to lean into it and be able to be decisive and say, Nope, this isn't going to help me, this isn't what I want to do, oh, this tool will and either do it or hire someone like one or the other. And that's the name of the game. And I think that having the ability now again, it goes back to what we were talking about before about that know, like trust factor. Because when you get to the point, you're like, Well, you know what, I don't know how to do that, like that part, like, you know what I mean? Like, have somebody else do it for you. Right? You know what I mean? And so for me, I'm very, very clear that there are things that I don't know how to do but could learn but don't want to, or if you don't want to do them. Right? You know, that just doesn't bring me joy. And I love it when I have built a relationship with somebody that I can come to and just say, you know, what, how can I make this better? Oh, yeah, that's great. And then hire them. And then I can feel really good, because I've already built a relationship. And I think you built your relationships that way. You built your business that way. And that's why you're so successful.
Kay Suthar:Well, you know what, when I first started the podcast, it wasn't, it wasn't because I wanted to start a podcast in business. It was because I wanted to network because we're in a pandemic, and I still need to talk to people, right? That I didn't want to have to sit from the mirror, talk to myself, there is nothing, right? I'm gonna say that out. But I was I want to be able to network with people and talk with people and build my network, even from the comfort of my own home. And that's how I was able to build my network and build a relationship because I just use that time to get to know as many people as possible and at the same time build my podcast.
Patty Farmer:Exactly. I'm gonna take everybody right now to the conversation where we talked about earlier about you and I having that for our breakfast. This was my favorite topic that we talked about. And it was an eye opening one for me, because this wasn't my area of expertise in this one thing, and when I sat across from you, and you said what I'm gonna say right now I was like, what? And then didn't because we had built a relationship, you broke it down for me where some people would have been like, you know, I mean, it's not like you can go buy a book on everything or take a course or whatever, right? Sometimes really shorten the learning curve of desires, right? But I remember this conversation very clearly. And as soon as I say this, you're gonna be like, Yep, I remember. So I remember when we were talking about you, too. We were talking about having a podcast website, or we had just put it up on your own website on a page? Or did you just create a one pager? Like, I remember those things? And I remember asking you, How can we maximize? Right? How can we maximize our content to get the best cross platform promotion and increase visibility? And which platform should we be on? And what tactics are the most effective? I'm ever hammering that one to you? I mean, it was like rapid fire. Wait, wait, wait, I want No, I'm a marketer. Right? I was like, wait, wait, wait. So tell me how what you're saying is, and when you were telling me the pros and cons versus really not the cons, but basically what your opinion was of, here's how you could do it this way. And if you did it this way, these are the things that you're going to need to do if you decide these are the things you're gonna do. And I remember going home and really, really thinking long and hard, which one of those options I wanted, I think I even called you back up and said, Wait a second, can we go back to that end for I made my decision, but I have to tell you, I remember that day thinking to myself, Wow, this girl really knows her stuff. And this is a really, really important question. Not only is an important question, but it also could set the tone for what you do after that.
Kay Suthar:Absolutely.
Patty Farmer:So I, I really would love it if we could kind of not really reenact the question. But I think it was really important. So really cross promoting, and what platform should you be on? And how to cross platform promotion? Yeah, and not just cross promote, but cross platform, promote? And how, what are the best tactics to use for that? I mean, this is the key question, and I have to tell you, there's gonna be another goal that she's gonna say, because I've already heard her answer. So this is it, folks. So you really want to pay attention here, lean in.
Kay Suthar:So alright, before we go into all that a little bit deeper, I just want to explain to people again, when I talk about future proofing, right, this is one of the things because the way I see digital assets, or the way I see all digital assets is is the more you have them, the more is going to build value to your business, right. That's why you should have a podcast, right? That's why you should have courses. Now, when it comes to having your podcast and promoting on a website. I always say have a separate website for your podcast, okay? Now, that's because you're gonna have to buy a different domain. Again, domain is a digital asset, which is gonna build to your business is gonna build more value, right, having as many different digital assets is gonna build to it right? So and you always want to have the domain that sustain name as your podcast, right? With the keyword, remember SEO with the word podcast at the end.com. Right? So for example, my podcast is called mutual mark, my domain that I bought for my podcast website is called mutual Mark podcast.com. Right pot. The word podcast is a massive keyword. Right? So you want to do that first. And so then you want to then create your separate website for your podcast. And I do use a separate system for this a different platform. That's so easy, right? You don't need Cody, you don't need to hire anyone. And it works super, super well, because the person that created it created just for podcasters. And he used to work for Google for 20 plus years, and understands the power of SEO, which means he has implemented everything that needs to be implemented for SEO on this platform. So you don't need to learn you just need to put the information on there. Okay. I was going to tell them what the platform is. Maybe should I should I or should yeah, first challenge is actually called Podpage. Okay, Podpage. Yes, Podpage. And so this will just create the entire it's got the templates and everything, you just put your branding colors, and what's super, super great is that you can actually connect it to your podcast hosting platform, then it will actually automatically upload all of your episodes every time it's released. Okay, so it's really is hands off and they're getting better and better because they've implemented AI and all sorts of things to this platform as well. Okay, so that's where you want to go to build your own podcast website. Now the reason you want to do this Hello, no people just genuinely place another page on their website. And if you want to you can do Trouble. That's not what I teach. And the reason for this is because you want to be able to, you want to play, right you want to play when it comes to all the different assets that you got. And you want to make sure people are clicking on all the different websites that you have, because that will gain more traffic. SEO loves this, right. And again, is organically going to help you shoot up on the Google pages. Okay, now, what you do here is, for example, you have your own business page, right, have a separate page that says podcast like most people do, but this time, you're redirecting it to the other domain to your podcast website, on your podcast website, you want to have another page that directs them to your main business, right? Because what happens if they land on your business website, they're going to be checking out your website, they're gonna see oh, she has a podcast, or he has a podcast, click on it, go on to the other website, they go into the podcast website, or they end up there first, they're gonna see oh, she has a business, right? They've got there's a whole other thing that she's involved in, or he's involved, and they're gonna go to your business website, all of a sudden, right? You're having all this traffic where they're going back and forth. Now, this is a reason why you want to have blogs as well. Okay, because on your blog, you can add links. You can add links to your podcast, you can add links to your business website, you can add links to your YouTube channel, again, what's happening, your cross promoting on different platforms, which SEO absolutely loves, take advantage of it. Because this is absolutely free. Once you understand this is just the game. Right? You're taking people to all these different places. It's a game, but it's a game that was organically to get you rising up on the Google ranking. And being on the top pages is absolutely a game.
Patty Farmer:Yeah. Now that's really good. But I want to, so I'm actually going to ask a clarifying question. So why don't ask people on their website, they do have a page that's for the podcast. I do too. So is what you're saying is that you could go to this Podpage. This way, you told me while we're there, too, and get your podcasts there. But then on your podcast page that you want to have on your website, you could just make that be a blog. You get oh, that's the blog and your podcasts are in the blog. And when they do, it just takes them to the other one. But when you're actually having all the verbiage and all the words, you're getting SEO for that as well, because you're auditing wising it right there. But then when they just go to listen or watch it, and they click the Li, then they go to the other thing. So you are going back and forth. So you're getting SEO on both of them.
Kay Suthar:That's right. Absolutely. Yes.
Patty Farmer:Is that clear that's watching that that's 30 there. So I think that's important. So I love that when you told me that I was like what I remember, like I was stopped in my tracks. And I was like, What, wait a second. And when you said it, man, my marketing branders went, Oh, gaining gain. Like that is so important. And I was like, wow, that right? There is bold, like, I mean, it's like money in the bank right there. That one thing right there. So we will have the button below for Haad page, we will and a if you do if you're an affiliate of that, because this is the world we live in, make sure you link to it,
Kay Suthar:Promote it, of course.
Patty Farmer:Okay, so let's kind of talk about, you know, crafting compelling content, right, you know, because when you really always want to make sure that we are doing content, right. So I think that is really, really important to make sure that we have content that keeps them coming back more and more, it's going to improve your audience engagement, especially if you want to have a global audience. Right. Yeah. What are some sustainability practices for long term success? Right? And relevance, because, you know, there's, I mean, what is there's like some statistic that says that most pot people who start a podcast don't even do any more than 10 episodes or something.
Kay Suthar:It's less than that now. Is that three?
Patty Farmer:Yeah. So I mean, if you really want to sustain it, you know, long term success, and you want to monetize it, and have a global audience, you know, there's got to be some some practices that you really put into play to make sure so can you talk a little bit about that?
Kay Suthar:Yes. So I have found a lot of this as well, right, like people start it. And there's a one of the things I've found is that they don't realize how much work or commitment is involved with having a podcast, right? And they just think, Oh, everybody else is doing it. Like I can do it too. It's a long term commitment. It's a relationship. It's a marriage, right? That's what it is. And so, I always say to people, there's three questions you need to ask yourself To see if you are ready to launch your own podcast. Okay. Now the first question is, why do you want to launch a podcast? What's the reason? Right? If you're just going to tell me how because everybody else is doing it? No, that's not a good enough reason. Right? Like, really think about what you want to get out of it. Are you in it for the long term? Write? Do you really know what's involved? If you don't, then that means you need to go and do some research, you need to talk to podcasters that are doing it. Right. The second thing I always ask people is, what kind of podcasts Do you listen to? Patti, you will be surprised how many people say to me, I've never listened to a podcast.
Patty Farmer:I'm really all about surprised.
Kay Suthar:And I'm not well, if you've not listened to a podcast, that means you don't really know what a podcast is about or what it is and, and so how are you going to start a podcast? Right, that you need to actually be familiar with how a podcast works? And then the third thing I say to them is, how many guests have you been been on? So how many podcasts have you been on as a guest? Right? And so a lot of them says, I have not done that either. Sorry, but you do, you're not ready to launch a podcast, if you don't listen to one if you don't know why you want to do it. And if you've never been a guest, right, if there's a no with all single one, every single one of them, then you're not ready to launch a podcast, that all three of them needs to be yeses for you to know that. Okay, I'm now ready for the next step. And when you aren't guessing on the podcast, I don't mean just one or two, like I would say, at least 20 shows that you've been a guest on where you to actually understand how it all works. Where and with this, when you get to one of the people show, you get to see the different systems, the different processes that they use. And through that, you'll start understanding Oh, okay, this is how a podcast works. And then you'll understand, do I want to do all this or don't I, right, before you commit to doing it, putting the work in, but getting three episodes out there, and then be like, Oh, my God, this is too much hard work. I don't want to do it. Now as a way to try
Patty Farmer:That make sense to, but I think sometimes people don't even understand that there are many formats to you know, sometimes people are like, Oh, I just only want to do solo ones, or I just want to interview guests, or I mean, there's a lot of different ways to do it, too. And so I think that is really important. So I think asking those questions really makes a lot of sense. And while she's not leaving it, I do want to tell you that in a few minutes, she actually has a gift for you, that pretty much is like 14 days to launch. So if anybody's there, she's going to actually take you through that whole process, and she's going to give it to you for free. So I mean, you want to stay for that. And if you are listening to this already, there's a button below for that, too. But I have to tell you, you're super generous. And I think that's really wonderful that you are willing to share that with them too. But again, I really do want everybody to know that yes, you do help people launch you do that. But that's not all you do. So people who already have a podcast, maybe it's they're not making the money, maybe they're struggling to get the writing, yes. Maybe they're not optimized, maybe it's not showing up, right, in SEO or, or whatever. They're just overwhelmed and struggling. Those are people who I think should talk to you too. Because really, that could be shifted doesn't mean that just yet it's not working. Now it won't work. They just need to have somebody who knows what they're doing to help them. Absolutely.
Kay Suthar:And so what we do we actually help people do an audit, we do an audit, I do it personally, myself, right? Whether you're guessing or whether you're wanting launching your podcast or thinking about it, we can get on a conversation. And I'm one of those people you know this Patti already, if you're not ready, I'm gonna tell you, you're not ready. I stopped, she will tell you, right. But instead of just telling you you're not ready, I want to say to you, right, the things that you need to do the steps you need to take in order to get to that point, right. So I might even say to you, right, you know what, I don't feel that you're ready to launch a podcast. I feel like you need to start getting booked on more podcasts. Right? These are the type of podcasts I can see you being on, right human. And, you know, these are some of the steps in order to find the right podcasts. Or this is how you can look for the right podcast, right? So so we'll do a full on audit to see where you are, where you want to get to and strategize a whole map as to how you can actually get there. See,
Patty Farmer:I think that is really powerful. Because you know, knowing that you're not ready is one thing. But the question really is what do I need to do to get ready, and you're more seasoned, even if you're not getting the results you want now just means that you don't have to scrap the whole thing. You just need to shift. Right? I know and I think that is really important. So speaking of shifting Caiden let's talk about trends. Right You know, you talked earlier on you know that, you know, we need to be able to be future proofing. So what trends do you see shaping the future You're a podcasting? And how can both new and seasoned podcasters stay ahead of the curve to maintain their competitive edge? And what role? Do you see emerging technologies like AI and web three? And how are they changing the listening behaviors? In this evolution? I know that was a big question right there. So we can break it down however you want. But really, honestly, I believe that there are trends. I, we have talked about this, you and I, but because you were talking about future proofing, really, you don't want to be one of them. You want to be an early adopter, not somebody who's trying to catch up. So some of the trends you see that are shaping it both new, how do you stay ahead of the curve? And ahead of you know, to get that competitive edge? And what role do you see all these emerging technologies in that approach that you're going to need to do to evolve?
Kay Suthar:So by before we even get to technology, right, the biggest thing, and I think this is one of the common mistakes people make again and again, is they're trying to be something that they're not because they feel like this is what you're supposed to be. And that's how everybody else shows themselves up as, and this is what you need to do his own No, like, I want you to be so raw, so real, right, so uncut, so unfiltered, just being you. Right? This is how you're gonna get a bigger audience, just saying it how it is, right? Not giving a toss about anyone else, anything else, because the people that actually love you are going to come and chase you down, they're going to want more of you. Okay, and all that doesn't like it, that's fine. Just like, filter them out. Right? It's all good. But that's the biggest. Right? And Patti noses to you guys follow Patty, you know, she is real, right? She's a real thing. She's gonna say it how it is, too. But this is how you build your audience. But you want to take it to another level. Right? I'm gonna give you a couple of secrets here. So one of the things that I've noticed in the podcasting industry that people don't do, and that is build communities, or don't do very well build communities, around their guests, right. So what I mean by this is a lot of guests come to shows, right, you build the camaraderie, you build the relationship, you have a really awesome episode. And then they get forgotten about, right. So this is a missed opportunity, because you get to have all these people on your show, right? You get to know who they are, what they do. And then that's it, you don't hear from them again. So build a community around every single guest that you have on your show, keep in contact with them. Build a private networking group. So you can always find out what new projects are they're doing, how you can help how they can help you. But when you have all your guests, right with different skills, you'll be surprised on how powerful that can be. Right? This is one of the ways of build a community, you already got the people, you don't have to go chase them. They're already there. Let's build a community around it and bring a long term relationship. I'm all about community. Right? And then one of the biggest things right I'm looking at, and this is where technology will come into it as well. Is gamifying. I love playing games, Patty, you know this, right? We love playing games. I mean, have you heard of a game show called Crystal maze? Nope. You have Okay, in the UK. This is Game Show crystal maze. Now they created a whole live one. So you can go and play right in real life. And I did that last week. It was so much fun, right? I'm a big kid. I'm a massive kids, right? And I love playing games. And I'm like, oh, so does everybody else. That's what makes it fun. business should be fun, podcasting should be fun. And so you want to gamify this right, and have rewards, and have like a scorecard and have all these different things where you allow people to do certain things to see, just like a game when you're playing an actual game, right? You might kill 10 zombies and win a new weapon, right? Like, you want to put all these things in place. Now this is going to be a game changer when web three comes in, because it's going to be all about gamification. Now you've some of you may have heard of NF T's non fungible tokens. The easiest way to explain what these are, is that digital forms of baseball cards, right? So they're collectible. Now with this, what you can do is every time you give them a task, and they complete it, they get rewarded with one of these tokens. A Why would they want this because it could be a limited edition, it'd be valued a lot. So what that means is, they can have this they can keep it and see it as the value goes up, or they can swap it with another digital token, sell it, they make money, you make money or royalties as well. Right? So there's this whole different aspect that's coming about. And it's all going to be on cryptocurrency gamification, and building communities on decentralized platform. And decentralized. A lot of people may not know about that. But it's on platforms that you 100% control. So it can never get shut down because you control that platform, unlike Facebook, or Instagram, or LinkedIn or any of those that you don't control.
Patty Farmer:Now, that's really, really important. So is that secret? One, two, or three? Are we on two or three? Now? You get?
Kay Suthar:I did, I totally did.
Patty Farmer:That's okay. I'm Vegas, all the secrets. I've I love that that is really wonderful. I had to show you, I think this is really been fabulous. So let's talk about the gift that you have. So this 14 days to launch, kind of tell us a little bit about the gift. And then we could tell people how they can get it.
Kay Suthar:Right, 14 days to launch. What I've noticed, and we mentioned this earlier, is making sure that you have your foundations and basic knowledge of what needs to be done to build a successful podcast, because what I find is there's a lot of gaps, because we don't know you just don't know, right. And so you may put some things in place. But then there's other things missing that you don't know about. And all of a sudden this podcast that you started wanting to build isn't working the right way. That's because there's gaps. That's because you haven't got the foundations on point. And so this downloadable this free gift is going to show you what you need to think about basics. And it's just five steps, right, five steps on what you need to do to actually build the right foundations of your podcast. So you can then move forward and build it successfully. And a lot of these places things that people miss, or it goes over their head. So you're gonna have it in plain English bullet points, is going to be something that you're gonna be able to implement straightaway and start building on your podcast right now today.
Patty Farmer:And what's the website for that?
Kay Suthar:14daystolaunch.com?
Patty Farmer:Perfect. Now, here's what I love about it. So obviously, I've already looked at it. So what I think is really great about it is just like in business, so I really like applying this to other things, right? So you know, a lot of times people open up a business and you know, they're in business a year or two. And all of a sudden they realize they have these gaps that they didn't do these fundamental things in the beginning, right? And they're like, oh, wow, that, you know, I didn't learn about that I just did my business, maybe they started making money right away. And you know, they just didn't do those things right. Now, right? What I love about this is yes, if you want to start a podcast, here's 14 days to launch. But it's really a great way to kind of audit what you've done so far. So maybe if your podcast isn't quite as successful as you would like it to be, maybe you could go back and look at those steps and say, Oh, wow, like I missed this step. Or I could fine tune this step a little bit better, because they listened to the podcast and all this great information that you share. Now they could go, oh, wait a second, I could do better at this. And so it's not too late, right. So whether you're new and want to watch a podcast, or whether you just want validation that you've been doing it right, or maybe you just want to see if there's a gap, that maybe you could do better, all those things, I think this is a fabulous gift. And I really appreciate you giving it so you're a great guest. So thank you so much, Kay,
Kay Suthar:That's my family, me, this is such an awesome conversation.
Patty Farmer:It really is, it's been really wonderful for me. And so I know that they're going to want to be able to get a hold of you, what's the best way for them to connect with you, and get a hold of you.
Kay Suthar:Honestly, if they get the downloadable, they'll be able to get accessing nowhere, where I'm out on social media, Facebook, LinkedIn, and also they'll be able to get an invitation to a free community podcasting community that we have that gives more tips, more strategies on Facebook. So if they go there, they're able to find out a lot more information about me, and you'll also maybe have an opportunity to get on a call with me.
Patty Farmer:Now, that's pretty awesome. So we'll make sure that you want to go to her website as well, which is MakeYourMarkagency.com. And she already told you her podcast is make your mark podcast.com We will have all the buttons below. So if you're listening to this already, you will already see those buttons. So we have a lot of things there for you to be able to grab some really great information. So I really would tell you that, hey, I had a conversation with her. It was like four hours, right? You know, so I had to tell you, when I continue to have conversations with her, there's, you know, get to know her because you're gonna see her a lot in my world for all the things that we're working on that we're going to do together. So I love it. I just got booked on your podcast this morning, too, by the way,
Kay Suthar:I want to know that didn't see I know I didn't look it up for that.
Patty Farmer:I thought that was super fun. We so yes. So I love that. Thank you so much for being here with me today. Okay, I really, really appreciate it and you're just the best.
Kay Suthar:So I appreciate all the best. Thank you for the opportunity. And to my audience.
Patty Farmer:Thank you so much for being here. Today and every week when you tune into our show, we really love it. So we want to say thank you so much. And if you enjoyed today's episode, and I'm sure you did, please make sure to like, subscribe and review it on your favorite listening platform and make sure that you check out our magazine too, at M3Digitalmag.com. Thank you so much for being here. We'll see you next week. Bye now