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Flex Your Money Muscles to Reprogram Your Broken Money Brain with Jeannie Dougherty
What if the secret to your financial freedom lies not in your bank account, but in the way you think about money? Today, we will dive into the fascinating world of money psychology with Jeannie Dougherty, a renowned money expert and mental fitness guide. Discover how to reprogram your “money brain” and unlock the key to financial abundance and success.
Jeannie reveals the surprising truth about the emotional roots of our financial decisions and breaks down the difference between making money and building lasting wealth and introduces us to the concept of “money muscles.” Think of it like a workout for your finances—small, consistent actions that build up your financial strength and prosperity. Patty and Jeannie also emphasize the importance of shifting from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mentality, sharing tips on reducing stress, improving communication, and bolstering financial confidence.
Plus, Jeannie offers a quick money type quiz on her website to help you understand your financial habits better. Tune in for practical advice, fresh perspectives, and actionable tips to level up your financial game.
Key Takeaways in this Episode:
- Understanding the “Broken Money Brain” – Broken Money Brain is not a physical condition, but a combination of emotions and behaviors that influence our financial decision-making.
- The concept of “Money Muscles” – “Money Muscles” is the repetitive actions and habits we need to develop to achieve our financial goals.
- Overcoming Common Money Blocks – Overcome money blocks by having a system and a team to handle financial challenges.
- Strategies for Rapid Financial Results – Strategies like checking for unaccounted money, making offers to clients or friends, and exploring options beyond credit or loans to achieve rapid cash flow improvements.
- Building Self-Confidence through Financial Agility – Improved financial awareness and decision-making can lead to better sleep, communication, and relationship building, boosting self-confidence and the ability to pivot in business.
- Understanding Money Archetypes – Jeannie’s money type quiz helps individuals identify their money archetypes and understand how they make financial decisions.
- Shifting from Scarcity to Abundance Mindset – Shifting from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset can open up new opportunities and creative solutions to financial problems.
“If you want to make a change, if you want to go big, if you want to have the money that you need for an emergency, if you want money or more money for your retirement, you need to have a better financial conversation. All of that is on the right side of the brain. It’s through the empathy, it’s through the curiosity. It’s the ability to navigate. It’s the ability to activate when you’re like, ‘Oh, there’s a money situation, let me get on it’, not avoid and pretend it’s not happening.” ~ Jeannie Dougherty
About our Guest:
Jeannie Dougherty, a money expert, speaker, and author, brings a fresh perspective to transforming money mindsets for entrepreneurs. Her approach of rewiring and fixing ‘broken money brains’ resonates with those seeking financial stability and abundance. Through her transformative strategies, Jeannie helps individuals and professionals navigate emotional financial decisions, cultivate financial confidence, and build their money muscles. With a focus on overcoming money blocks, Jeannie’s insights empower entrepreneurs to embrace a new narrative and achieve their desired financial change.
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Hello everyone, and welcome to this week's edition of the Marketing Media & Money Podcast. I'm so excited that you are here with us. Let me tell you a little bit about what we're going to talk about today. What if the key to your financial success lies in reprogram your money brain and understanding the emotional roots of your financial decisions. Join us as we reveal powerful strategies to embrace abundance thinking and transform your financial reality. So let me tell you a little bit about our guest today. Jeannie Dougherty is a money expert, speaker, author and mental fitness guide for professionals that want a career change without going into debt and need a vital cash fusion for stable and consistent income. So, boy, this is going to be a conversation. Make sure you get your pen and paper out, because you're going to have some writer downers for sure today. So thank you so much, Jeannie, for being here with me today.
Jeannie:Thank you.
Patty Farmer:I'm excited so you talk about helping professionals D story their money habit in patterns, rewiring and fixing their broken money brains so they can start a new career and live a life free from scarcity and confusion. I love that when I read that that's what you do. But for those of us that don't know, can you define broken money brain, and why it's crucial for achieving financial success?
Jeannie:Yes, so if you go to a doctor, they're going to be like, you don't have a money brain, but the truth is, we do, but it's more to our emotions and our behaviors. Not so much like we found the money brain in your brain. It's actually multi level, but your money brain, roughly, is on both sides of the brain, the left and the right, but it's on the left side that we learn our money. So we learn about data, we learn about fear, we learn about survival, and we also learn not to trust a lot of the information that we get. So if you want to make a change, if you want to go big, if you want to have the money that you need for an emergency, if you want money or more money for your retirement, you need to have a better financial conversation. All of that is on the right side of the brain. It's through the empathy, it's through the curiosity, it's the ability to navigate, the ability to activate when you're like, oh, there's a money situation. Let me get on it, not avoid and pretend it's not happening.
Patty Farmer:That makes a lot of sense, though, when you think about it, you know? I think that. I know that when I think of money decisions, of financial decisions, a lot of that is whether somebody's going to hire you or not. And I have always said that people make their decisions emotionally, and then they justify writing the check with data, right, you know. And so really, both sides of your brain do matter, and they do different things, but I think that what you're saying is really knowing that. I mean, that's really important, just to make sure you know what to do and when maybe you should right, you know. So Right? One of the other things that you talk about are money muscles. And I love that, right? Because I know that I talk all the time about how if there's something you don't want to do, like, if somebody says to me, Patty, I don't want to blog, or I don't want to have a podcast, or I don't want to do that, that's great. It's just like going to the gym. You know, there's many ways to use a muscle, right? And so you can use, you know, different ones, right? So, money muscle. So I love that expression, right? But why are they essential for creating your desired financial change, right? You know money muscles, so let's kind of talk about that I love that you have this broken money brain and you have money muscles. So I really love it. So what are money muscles to you like? Immediately, something comes to my brain about what I think they are, but maybe probably to the people who are listening or watching as well. So what is your version of a money muscle, and why are they essential for creating that financial change that we want? Your
Jeannie:Money muscles are actually, I always feel like are on the right side of the brain because we know how to flex fear and I'm going broke and all that jazz, but it's really the right side of the brain that is like, boom, I've got this. I can handle this. So money muscles are that repetitive action that we take with our money that actually gets us towards our goal. So it's, you can lift, if you will, the weak muscle of like, we're not going to make it, Oh, it's terrible. Or, I don't know what to do over and over, and you're going to have, like, you know, somebody who lifts five or 10 pound weights. They're not going to have very strong arms, but you're somebody who's like, Listen, I need to make some changes this year. I'm going to really go for it, and I'm going to do it this way and not put myself into more in need of a financial rescue. Then you're going to pick up those heavier weights. But it isn't to break your arm. It's not to kill yourself, exhaust yourself, tear muscles and liquids. No, nobody said, do that. It's about building that strength. Because I met a woman the other day from she's a physical fitness trainer. She is, you know, very trim and very thin looking. She lifts, you know, weights, you and I be like, really? And she's like, oh, yeah, I started with five pound weights, but you don't. There is that all away?
Patty Farmer:Now, that makes a lot of sense. So somebody has been in the, you know, one to three pound weight. They've been doing one to three pound weights, right? How can they start to build these muscles? You know, this is a really good visual. Like, this story is a really good visual, right? Yeah. How can someone start building the muscles. Like, how can they, like, go from, oh yes, you know, I'm doing three pounds right now, but if I wanted to start building that muscle, how can they start
Jeannie:So one of the the first things that I've really had to work with people on is to lay off the judgment towards yourself and maybe towards other people. So sometimes we get ourselves into some sticky situations, or situations that aren't as clear until later, or you're kind of maybe in the middle that you said you grab about a year now, you don't have the money. What are we going to do? So in that case, what I always think about is, you know, when it gets a little heavy for you, that three pound weight is starting to drag you down. The only way you're going to be able to lift something better is at least another three pound weight to even you out. And if you want, you can grab for the five pound weight, which you can still do, and that five pound weight is going to make you go, Oh, wait a minute. I can put this three pound weight down, and I can do something more, which is maybe I need to call a friend who is really good at maybe talking down if you're feeling a little panicked, or maybe you need to go back and be like, Okay, this isn't working the way I thought it is. And so what is it that I could do? What is the plant? And just think about it. Don't take action. What is what you could do instead of what you should do, or you must do, or you won't do, because that's where people get stuck in their money brains, is they get stuck in, I should have done this.
Patty Farmer:Well, that destroys confidence a lot for people,
Jeannie:Yeah, yeah. So
Patty Farmer:What would you say are some of the most common money blocks that you see with small business owners and entrepreneurs? Because, you know, I feel like a lot of times there has to be some that, you know, people just do over and over and over they get, we get in our own way, right? You know? Yeah. So what are the most common ones?
Jeannie:seasoned business owners for:Patty Farmer:I think sometimes too, when it comes to money, right? Probably goes back to that broken money brain is we beat ourselves up, right? You know? I think a lot of times we have to give ourselves grace and then permission to say, You know what, this isn't your area of expertise, right? Yeah. So I think a lot of times we do, and not only that, but I think sometimes, like in the beginning, when you said that you de story people, sometimes this money story isn't even your story, yeah, it's your current story, or a peer story, or a story your grandparents story, right? You know, and those stories have been passed down. And I think sometimes you just have to realize that it doesn't have to be your story. You could write a new story, right? You know? So I know that you have a system, yes, that you've created that shows you where your thoughts, emotions and patterns are blocked, and how to shift them. Here's the part that I really love, how to shift them in real time, and the impact it has on your client's financial agility. So I gotta tell you, if you can help people to shift, I think that is really good, and patterns are great, right? You know, people talk about data all the time, yeah, in my space, I don't think it's just data. I think it's data and behaviors, right? You gotta both data and behaviors. So if you have thoughts, emotions and patterns and they block them, you have a system that's gonna help to shift them in real time. I have to tell you, shift them. You had me at that real time. I mean, now that's pretty powerful. Shift them in real time. So tell us a little bit about that system.
Jeannie:So the system is, is that I work with folks for 10 weeks when I do the Money Boot Camp. You can work in a group or individually, but what it is is that we learn coping skills so that when we start to or start off our day, we try to start off a little bit better or be more aware or think about something else besides, like freaking out over the money or the business or whatever, whatever the drama is the client exhibit. The next thing is when stuff goes bad, because. Is, guess what? No day is perfect. It's great when you get them, but tomorrow's going to be another day. I don't know what's going to bring either, because, you know, you just got to deal with it. So this is when you know, you focus on, you know, your breathing. This is when you focus on, how can I utilize that ability to navigate? So I can walk you through a quick little visualization to kind of look at yourself. You know, where would you be five years or five months from now? Does this really matter now? Or if it does, what action steps do you would you like to take? You don't even have to take it. Was just, what would you like to do? And that's such a shift, getting yourself to the right side of the brain instead of gloom and doom. And I can't get myself out of this, or I don't know what's going to happen. It's like, No, you do, you do know what's going to happen. It's your life. You're the one writing it.
Patty Farmer:And I think that's why sometimes we repeat the same things over and over. And I believe that until you heal it or take care of it, or take some type of action, right, you know, so that's kind of the shift, right? It's going to keep coming back until you get it right, you know, over and over and over again, you're like, Oh my gosh. I mean, how many times people said, you know, I can't believe I'm here again, right? Yeah, no, I like to say all the time that even if something happened in I lost everything, what I still have is the knowledge that made me build it in the beginning, and I just built it again, right? You know, but you have to give yourself grace and realize that we're all going to make some mistakes. I don't think I've ever met anybody in my life who's literally not had any type of money block or hasn't brought some type of situation, right? And so I think sometimes it can be easy to recognize them in other people too. So I love that you have a system that you've created, because I think it is really important for us to be able to get out of our way as quickly as possible and then recognize what were the things that triggered it. Right? You know, because awareness, I know that I have triggers for certain things. This isn't one of them, but I have my own triggers for things, and I know that a lot of times, the more aware I became that then when I got triggered, like, it didn't have to go as far I could, like, you know, back it down and use visualization or whatever, in order to be able to handle it so it doesn't kind of wipe you out, so to speak, right? You know? So I think when it comes to money, that's a powerful one, because it is the thing that really kind of controls in some aspect everything, right, our business, our life, right, you know. So I think it is an important one. So being able to make those shifts, and if you could do it in real time, that's even better, right, you know, because sometimes we have something that happens, and then we have to work through all kinds of stuff, you know, and it may take a day or two or a week, right, right? But quickly, because you have a system, you know, and you share that system, I think that is fabulous. And I know that when we had a conversation, you told me that sometimes your clients see increased cash flow in less than 30 days. I mean, that's pretty impressive, right? So what kind of strategies can you share? A couple strategies you use to achieve those kind of rapid results.
Jeannie:So a lot of times it's just basic brain science. The minute you become more aware of your numbers, the minute I go, is there any money that anybody owes you? Is there any money that you haven't accounted for? All of a sudden, money shows up. So whether somebody has to go and say, Oh, you owe me, that does happen. But then the money starts to show up in places. Like, wait a minute, my aunt's just calling me and she's giving me money for something because she heard that I want to make this career change. Or she's giving me money, I don't know, for something else, for the house, and so then I don't have to pull that money here. But you know, all that kind of like, Oh, where do I put the money? You know, which is a very modern day problem our ancestors didn't have. Where do I put the money? They either had it or they didn't. That was it, and that there was no other opportunity. Because, unless you were born into the gentry class, meaning they had all the land and, you know, they had a beeline to get into the courts of the king or the queen, that was it. You know
Patty Farmer:The days of like our parents and grandparents were, you know, you went to work for somebody, and you stayed there for 30 years, and you got a retirement, and you bought a house, and you stayed in that same house, and you paid off your 30 year mortgage, and then you have that retirement, and your house was paid for. Like, those days are long gone. That doesn't really happening, right, right? And for people in business, we're self employed, we have our own business. Like, we need to be responsible for those things ourselves. So now, not only are we having to worry about expenses and money, about running our business, we also have to start thinking about, okay, so that's what it's going to take to run my business. That's money, but really figuring out what you're going to do for later. That's kind of wealth, right? There's making money, and then there's creating wealth. They're not always the same thing. And so really, when you're thinking about it. And sometimes people will just say, You know what this thing happened, or I want to do this, and I just need a quick cash injection, right? You know, I have my plan for how I'm going to make my money this year and stuff. But then something comes up, right? Oh, all of a sudden, you need a new. Printer, or you need a meeting of Office size, yeah, yeah, big thing. Or you want to invest in a, you know, $25,000 program that you know is going to help move the needle for you. Yeah, some when you need that quick cash injection, what are some of the strategies that you help people to do when that is something that they're looking for, right? You know, it's not something that they're going to do every single day. But they do need it right now, right then. From that, you know, where do they go after that in order to increase cash flow?
Jeannie:So first of all, money isn't away from you. Money's all around you. So that's number one, like, that's like the thing that people keep forgetting. They're like, I have to go do something to make it come to me. No, you will probably already have it. So number one, first look at your finances. If you want to buy something, whether it's a program or a piece of equipment, for $25,000 Do you have the credit you know? Do you have a client that's going to come in? What? What is it that you have, right? You know? The next thing I would say is look at your list, or look to see who is, you know, willing to you know, maybe you have people that you can sell more to, because that that skill seems to always get pushed away. Like, forget about the selling No. Go to your list, go to your clients, make another offer, see if the money will come in, or at least a piece of it, because you can still use the line of credit if that's absolutely necessary. Now, if that's already tapped and this is what you need, well then it comes down to, do you want a loan? And that's where it gets risky. Then that's like, Yeah, but you're gonna have to pay that back. Or do you want a gift? And these the same money. Brain activates. And either way, it's the story on the left side or the story on the right side that you have if you get a loan, you're gonna have to prove, you know, like, Oh, I've got all this history, yes, I'm good at paying my bills. And hopefully they won't ask for your house for a business loan, right? But if it's a gift, or you're asking for smaller donations, like some people have done, I've seen them do that, then it might happen that you've got and again, like the aunt, the family members, somebody who's willing to do that, or it becomes some other way. So if you really need cash, I always say, like, think of it like it could happen from anywhere. It could be a client, it could be a referral. It could be this, be that, because I have had so many people once they got out of their stuck idea of like, I don't have it, I can only get it on a credit card or a line of credit, and I haven't done some of the work on myself by actually checking my numbers. I haven't looked to see if I can make another offer for a period of time, I didn't even ask for a payment plan. Like, duh. Like, that's another way through it. And if you've done all that, and then it's like, no, it's really coming down to loan. Then are you prepared? And do you look good for loans? If you don't, because we all know if we're not for a loan for the banks or whatever, then that's going to be a real risk. And so, you know, do people just run and throw lines of credits on their home? Yeah, they do. And then it becomes another issue, because they're like, I owe this is the magic eight ball. This is going to fix me. Let's come back to your business. Let's come back to those scales. Let's come back to making offers.
Patty Farmer:before I did this, until the:Jeannie:Yeah. I mean, like, well over 90% of people report better sleep, actually improved communication and relationship building. One of the things that is great when I mentioned the sales piece in the last question was that, if you've got, like, a good group of people, like, not just like people are supportive of you, but like, real business referral partners, like, a lot of times you go to them and say, Hey, this is what I'm doing. Do you know anybody who might be interested? Like, oh, some stuff suddenly shifts. Like, people like, oh, yeah, I just wrapped up a deal, like I've had, and it's like, done with ease. It's not like, I like, stricken getting on the phone, sending a text or an email. It's just like, Oh, I haven't told you about oh, you know, I do know three people who would be interested in that. Send me the information, let me call them, or let me email them, or whatever. And then, like, that's what keeps the money flowing and you flowing.
Patty Farmer:I think a lot of times, when you're in the mucky buck, as I like to say, like, you're not seeing other things, because you're so in the monkey. So when you reach out to, you know, your mastermind group, or, like, you know, the personal inner circle of people that you can talk to, you know, whatever, I mean, certainly not get on Facebook, right? Yeah, but you know, that's the people that you could trust with these type of things. A lot of times, like, it's right there, you're just not seeing it because you're on and lucky, but right, you know? And they're, they're going to say, Oh, well, did you ever think of this and, and, what about this? And, oh, well, we were talking about doing this, right, you know. So I think a lot of times that will really help you, and obviously having a coach that can walk you through those things, that actually has a system that's always really, really good. Yeah, right, no. So that's always a a good thing. So can you share how this, like newfound financial agility, can boost their self confidence? Because certainly you know, if you're sleeping better, you're reducing stress or able to see what your triggers are. You're aware, you know, you start going into that, oh no, I have abundance mentality, so I'm actually going to start thinking of what options that I have. I mean, that really has to make you feel more confident whenever things happen, because to tell you, building a business isn't for the week apart right now, no. I mean, you know,
Jeannie:They don't make it past the first year. Yeah, a week of art don't make it past the first year,
Patty Farmer:business in five years and in:Jeannie:Honestly,
Patty Farmer:I think we all like that, wasn't it. So, you know, we've had to learn how to pivot and shift. But I think if you're more self confident, and you do have a abundance mentality, it's a easier shift. It's an easier pivot, because you have more self confidence and stuff, though. So you know, what are some of the strategies that you know? So yes, you're working on those things, but how do you keep yourself there? And what are some of the ways that when you're working with people, some of the strategies or techniques you use that when you feel like, oh my. On getting a little bit out of control. I'm getting a little bit overwhelmed right now that if they already know they do have an abundance mentality, they're just kind of need to shift like I know for me, that whenever I feel overwhelmed about anything, I just literally get my phone out. This is my technique. I just get my phone out, set it for five minutes and say, okay, Patty, go ahead and wallow. Have a pinning party. Do whatever you're going to do, but when the alarm goes off, now, put your big girl panties out of what are you going to do about it? Some of these we need to allow ourselves to just, but you just don't want to do it for a long time, so you need to be able to or whatever. That's how I do it. Not to say that. I'm sure that you have lots of other ones. That one just actually works for me, to be able to just go, Okay, that's enough. But once I actually do it, sometimes I'll even just say, Okay, now put your big girl panties on, get a piece of paper out and just start brain dumping, like all of the things that you can do. And this doesn't even have to be about money this year, whatever, where you're stuck and have to pivot, and this didn't work the way you thought it was going to work, or whatever. But I do believe that if you are feeling more confident in yourself and your ability, and you do have an abundance mentality. So when you're working with people, and you help them to create this system, and now you've helped them with this system, right, you know, so you're coaching that obviously people aren't going to stay with a coach for life, right, right, right? You know? I mean, our goal was always to get them to that they could do it without us, right? Like, what are some of the things? So if somebody out there is listening or watching and they're going, You know what, I get that I'm very I've done a lot of inner work, I've done a lot of stuff, but sometimes I kind of fall, I don't know what to do, like, and I have, I struggle to get myself back up and into that space. So if you're coaching people, and you're helping with them with all this, what are some of the like, little techniques sure that you use to get them to get back on track? Yeah.
Jeannie:So what I always like to do, because, you know, part of the the money coaching program is going over your money archetypes. Or, as I like to say, Where's the money making archetypes? So when people begin to do maybe a downward spiral or a panic stricken mode, I always ask, Who is speaking to me right now? Who is speaking? And then they go, oh, and it's like that kind of Shockwave. And then you're like, and where did this, you know, voice come from? Yes, I know the situation, but where did this voice come from? And then they're like, Oh, I'm doing that thing again, where I, you know, basically catastrophize everything that's in front of me and saying, I can't do it. And then that's not entirely true, because I have done it. It's like, yeah, so how does this reward you to go in this space and have this other voice speak to you and or speak for you. And then they're like, it doesn't know anything for me. And it's like, okay,
Patty Farmer:I thought that. And I thought, like, for those of you who are listening and actually can't see your faces, pretty funny. Go to the YouTube channel. I watch it because it's really hilarious. I know because you say that a game is a problem you enjoy working on, right? And so how do you help your clients turn their money problems into, say, an enjoyable challenge that they can tackle with enthusiasm? Because I know sometimes when things happen and you are in the abundance mindset stuff, it's almost like fun to have a challenge, a money challenge, specifically, but it is kind of fun sometimes to be creative and be able to go, oh, well, I think I'm going to do this. And some of those ideas you do when you're being creative in that later on going, you know what? I never would have thought of that. But in this game, like, you know, in this game, this challenge, I just thought of like, three other things that I could do for other things, right? You know, right. So I love that you're saying that it's a gate, yeah. So have you help your clients turn their money problems into a Joyal challenges that they tackle with enthusiasm? Yeah?
Jeannie:Because if it's a game, then there's a way to win. There's a strategy, right? It's, you know, because if you're only taught that you're a loser and you're going to lose, then that's not a game, right? That's, that's punishing that game. It's not a game, right? It's torture. You know, it's it's not, it's not where we want to be. But when it's a game, you can get better, you can get the point, and you're absolutely right. So one of my favorite things is that when things start to, like, push back, like, if you're developing a program or a project, or you're working on a team, or I could go on and on and on, but the minute you get some constriction or some feedback like this, or the money flow is shifted, and we're not going to be doing that, or that client didn't sign up. It's amazing to me. The really intelligent people who have built businesses have had to do what I call course correct pivot. That's another word for it, like that. And they did it because they said, Okay, this isn't going to work. They didn't boohoo it to death. They just said, I'm going to find an answer and right there. And because they knew the answer was right around them, like meaning more money, they knew there was a way to do it. They knew they had to keep talking to people, not sit there and stew inside and be like, I'm gonna hide under my desk now. No, they had to go. Find a way to go. Okay, I'm gonna start talking to people, because every person. Person that I know who's had, like, a really amazing, like, Business Breakthrough has done it because they, like, looked at their numbers, they looked at their abilities, they looked at their team, and then they said, Does anyone have a suggestion? And then they finally went in a direction, you know, pivoted, made that course correction, and then boom, that, the fact that they got a no, here was the best thing, because they end up making either, you know, a lot of money, like, maybe millions of dollars that they needed to, particularly in real estate, or maybe they just, you know, made a few $100,000 and I don't want to like to poo poo that for anybody, but they were like, Oh, my God, I'm a champ, and I can do anything. It's like, exactly.
Patty Farmer:Well, I think what you're saying here is by doing that and rising to that challenge, they've kind of fixed their money brain, right, and now they're just flexing their muscle, right? That, yeah, that money muscle, which I really love, I have to tell you, that is just a visual, like, Yep, you're not doing the three pound thing anymore. Now you're up to like, 15 pounds, and you're going strong, yeah. And sometimes it might mean, you know what for right now, I only need my five pound money muscle. And sometimes when things happen, you're like, oh, I need to pick up my 15 pound money muscle and start flexing. Yeah, right, you know. And so I actually have to tell you, I really do think that the visual of right brain, left brain and money brain and money muscle and stuff is a beautiful visual. So, yeah, I we love that. Thank you. So I think that is really great. So you mentioned a few minutes ago about the money archetypes, right? Yes, and I know that as a gift for everybody yourself
Jeannie:of course, she wasn't going to leave you hanging shoes.
Patty Farmer:That would be something to kind of help that. So I know that you kind of have a money type quiz like a thing to figure out what your archetype is, which is certainly going to help you right there. So tell us a little bit about the gift. There's a button below, so if you're listening or watching wherever you went to turn it on, there's a button right there for you to get it so you don't have to worry about that, but tell them a little bit about it.
Jeannie:So the money type quiz is super easy. All you gotta do is, like, hit the link. It takes maybe a minute to two minutes for you to answer the questions, and then you get an instant report of, really, where your money archetypes are. And so if you have more questions, you can always contact me directly at my website, but that's what it's there for. It's there to generate curiosity. It's there to generate, you know, a way to be like, what if I looked at my my numbers a little bit differently? Or what if I don't understand why I'm doing certain things I thought I was good with money, because I've met more people who say they're good, and then I look at their numbers, I'm like, your self esteem indicates something different, but that, you know, that's why you ask.
Patty Farmer:Well, that's because my husband, he says all the time he's an engineer, or he has said, oh, probably been quoted more times to say, Money doesn't lie, right? You know, the numbers don't lie. Math doesn't lie. Just doesn't right. You could think things are really, really great, but then when you do the math, which, when I was in the mortgage industry, that people used to tell me that too, and then we would pull their credit, and we would realize that, not so much, right? Yeah, yeah. And so, so that's also using the muscle and using it, right? You know, it's kind of also like, if you're picking up a 15 pound, you know, dumbbell, and you're not really ready for that, you know, it's, could hurt. But then again, how exciting is it when you've been lifting 10 pounds, and then you lift that 15 pounds, you're like, oh my gosh, this was really great, right? You know, that's really, really good. So I love that. And knowing what your money type is must also affect I would think so. It's kind of, I guess, a question like knowing which one do different money types make their decisions differently, right? Yes, yes.
Jeannie:And they make them for different safety reasons, you know. So it's on that left side of the brain, like some people are, like, are going to struggle, because that's what they believe about money. They're going to push hard. They're going to always, like, hang on to their cash. Say they don't have any when they that's not true, but that's all a money psychology, like many times I have conversations with business owners, and I go, if you understood your buyers, money psychology, do you think that would help you? And they just look at me and go, You mean, I'm not speaking to their? Money psychology, I'm like, No, you're speaking to only one buyer. Do you think
Patty Farmer:And usually the one that we are, right? Like in those things, whatever the thing you are, then that's you talk to everybody like that? Yeah. So I would say that once you know your money type, that's going to help you to know how to make decisions. It could help you with recognizing what the triggers and the awareness of what your money brain is and what the money muscles are that you need to build, right? You know, like, everybody doesn't have to build the same ones. I mean, somebody could say, oh no, and I need to build my arms. I need to build my calf. So whatever the case may be, so knowing knowledge is sets you free, right? You know? I mean, it just really helps you. And then having somebody who's gotta help you with the results, and what that can be, awareness could be really great. And sometimes you want to hire. Anybody who can help you. So I love that. So if somebody wanted to get in touch with you, like you said, What is the best way for them to connect with you?
Jeannie:Oh, my name, which is my website. I am Jeanniedougherty.com, so you know, it's Jeannie, like the old genie from the old TV show, I dream a genie. So it's that it's spelled that way, and then it's Dougherty, just like you can imagine DOUGH, and then er, E, R T Y, Dougherty
Patty Farmer:Below, too. Might just be easier for you to click that button. It will be there as well. Yeah. So I know we talked about a lot of things right now, right? Yeah, a lot of things. And hopefully a lot of people have had their eyes on and they're raising their hand and leaning in, going, oh, I want to know what my money type is, right? Yeah, you know. And I want to work on fixing my money brain and maybe flexing some more muscle and stuff so now they know how to get a hold of you. But if you had to narrow it down to just one strategy, what would the number one marketing, media money strategy be?
Jeannie:You know, you can make money your weakness, but really it can become your strength, you know, because that's why you learn all the budgeting, and it can be fun, and the savings and the investing, it's it's always a game, and you are in control, so you can win.
Patty Farmer:Oh, I love that. We all want to be a winner, right? I think when I was growing up, my dad used to say you could be a winner or you could be a whiner. Those are my bed. It was so funny. And he's not here anymore. But sometimes when I catch myself doing something, I'm like, Oh, I'm a winner, not white, right? Yeah, it does help you, right? Well, it says
Jeannie:It does Okay.
Patty Farmer:Thank you so much, Jeannie, for being here. This was really thank you. Very interesting for me. I have to say I love the visuals. I feel like visuals kind of help us to retain this was some great, great information, some great conversations. So I just have to say, if you're out there, man, don't you want to know what your money type is like? Don't you want to flex your muscle a little bit more? So I really encourage you to do that. Reach out to Jeannie and connect with her, get your money type and start working on some of those and building that muscle. So thank you so much for being here with me this week. And if you enjoy today's episode, and I'm sure you did, please like subscribe and review the podcast on your favorite listening platform. And if that's not enough, check out our magazine too. You know, we have a marketing media and Money Magazine, and you can grab that by going to m3 marketing media money, m3 digitalmag.com, till next week. Thank you so much. Thank you again, Jeannie, for being here with me. We'll see you all again next week. Bye, bye. Now.