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How to Design Professional Presentations with Whitney D. Walter
Whitney D. Walter, known as the PowerPoint Pro, is a certified Microsoft Office Specialist and corporate Assistant Vice President at Fortune 100 firm. With an MBA from Florida State University and nearly 15 years of experience using PowerPoint, Whitney has set out on a mission to teach professionals the elusive elements of professional presentation design and workflow efficiency so that they can excel in their careers and achieve their dreams.
WEBSITE: https://whitneydwalter.com
Reach out to Whitney D. Walter for everything you need to know about mastering PowerPoint so you can advance your career.
FREE Gifts:
7 Easy Steps to Professional Looking PowerPoint
Grab this FREE step-by-step guide that will assist in turning any PowerPoint into a more polished and professional presentation.
>> http://whitneydwalter.com/7stepsfreebie/
7 Tips for Presenting Virtually Like a Pro
Check out these 7 tips that will have you bypassing nerves and glitches and speeding into pro status in no time!