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The ABC’s to Gain Media and PR Exposure for Your Business with Angel Tuccy
Angel Tuccy is a best selling author and award-winning radio host with over 12 years in the media industry. Using media interviews, Angel went from being a stay-at-home to being awarded Most Influential Woman of the Year. With her media background, Angel has been a catalyst for entrepreneurs to gain more visibility, more media exposure, get published and become best selling authors. She’s been on radio, TV, podcasts, stages and featured in countless magazines.
Angel candidly teaches her audience how to get published and how to gain more media & publicity exposure in order to create even more leads and get paid even more. She is the author of 11 published books, host of over 2,000 broadcasts and she has interviewed over 5,000 guests. Angel travels the globe speaking to entrepreneurs how to expand your influence and attract more customers by leveraging traditional media exposure. She lives in Denver CO.
Connect with Angel and get more media coverage for your business and brand!
FREEBIE: Complimentary Media Guide to Attract More Exposure
Grab your FREE Report to make the media fall in love with you & guide of how to create guaranteed unlimited publicity.
Angel Tuccy’s Book >> ABC’s of Exposure: Media, Publishing & Speaking
An alphabetical list of how to create even more exposure for your business or brand, using media, publishing and speaking. Grab your copy!
Check out Angel Tuccy’s Amazon Page for more of her publications: