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The Six Ways Of Overcoming The Fear Of Selling And Delivering Solutions With Dr. Nadia Brown
Marketing and sales go together. Many people are afraid to dive into sales because of the unforeseen impact they imagine if they pursue that path. But if you want to succeed, you must overcome that fear and understand customers’ buying processes. Tune in as your host Patty Farmer sits down for a conversation with Dr. Nadia Brown about ways to overcome the fear of selling. Dr. Nadia Brown is a sales strategist, consultant, trainer, and founder of The Doyenne Agency. In this episode, she shares valuable insights on multiplying revenue using the Consistent Sales Method, spending time to build relationships with your potential customers, and managing rejections. You can’t be a successful salesperson if you can’t deal with a simple rejection. You have to focus on your goal to have those powerful conversations and help clients achieve their goals and increase their revenue so you can open up doors for them and deliver solutions.