Welcome to the Marketing, Media & Money Podcast
Are you tired of spending your time and MONEY chasing strategy after strategy only to discover what worked 10, 5, or even 2 years ago is not working NOW?
Things shift fast in the online space and if you’re not keeping up, you’re getting left behind. It’s time for something different…
Welcome to the Marketing, Media, and Money Podcast where every single episode will be jam packed with PROVEN, PROFITABLE strategies, behind-the-scenes secrets and what’s working NOW resources … from industry experts and global influencers to help you scale your business, shorten your learning curve, and stand out in a crowded, noisy marketplace.
Now you can watch the full interviews on YouTube. Just click the button below and don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss future episodes.
As a strategic event planner with 15-years of experience, Sherrie Sokolowski help clients realize their potential for success and create live events to grow their brand, while bringing profit to their business that continues long after the event. In this time of great need, she realized she had an obligation to help as many businesses use this time wisely to strategize and plan an experience their industry will seek out first and attend.
Award winning, celebrity communication, body language and certified confidence coach Karen Donaldson is a force to be reckoned with. She is the body language and communication expert for both Cosmopolitan and Women’s Health magazine. Karen is often called upon by local and national media as a guest communication and body language expert best-known for her analyses of the body language of celebrities and politicians in the media. Karen is a 3-time best selling author and a passionate and energetic speaker.
Tamara "Tami" Patzer is a former editor and a member of the Pulitzer-prize nominated Sun Coast Media Group news team for coverage of Hurricane Charley. She is the creator of Florida Gulf Coast University’s Social Media Certification program and is a frequent social media expert guest on TV news programs across the nation on ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox and CW. Tamara is the creator of the Authority Footprint Formula and the creator/producer of Beyond of the Best Seller Marketing System. She helps her clients share their big messages and big missions via book publishing, social media and mass media exposure to help them have ore impact, influence, and income.
Bobbie Maloy is the owner of Conversion Hacker, a Copywriting and Digital Sales Consulting company. Since 2013 she has sold more than $67.2 Million of products and services online for herself and her clients. A certified Master of NLP and perpetual student of what makes people buy, Bobbie has a proven track record of control-crushing offers, including 6-figure product launches, end-to-end sales funnels, and multi-million dollar promotions. From physical product sales to online courses and everything in-between, she pinpoints the conversion drop-off and helps companies create effective, compelling marketing campaigns.
After overcoming poverty, child abuse, rape, teen pregnancy, and near death, Amanda Goldman-Petri was able to persevere and grow 4 successful brands by the age of 27, generating over half a million dollars in sales in under 4 months. After perfecting her system for growing businesses, Amanda began her coaching career as founder of MarketLikeАNerd.com. She quickly became internationally renowned for helping entrepreneurs maximize their profits while minimizing the amount of time and effort they put into their business. The business quickly expanded to over 30 different countries and 6 continents.