Using Assessment Marketing to Generate Sales with Juliet Clark (Episode 035)

Patty Farmerpodcast

About Juliet:

Juliet Clark is a dynamic and sought-after speaker and podcaster who has spent the last twenty years helping authors, coaches, speakers, and small businesses all over the world build expert platforms. Corporate companies, start ups, and author/ speaker incubators world- wide have benefited from Juliet’s unique and massively effective method of mastering lead generation and qualification for expert status.

Juliet created a platform- building tool that assesses audience obstacles, generates leads, and qualifies leads for businesses. This simple technology can be used on social media, from the stage, and at workshops to build email lists and create conversations that build long- term relationships with potential clients. Her podcast, Promote, Profit, Publish, helps entrepreneurs understand how to use great tools in the coaching and small business spaces.

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A click is not a relationship. To be able to sell, you need to build real relationships with real people. ~ Juliet Clark Share on X

In This Episode:

01:25 – Juliet’s bio
02:37 – Juliet’s entrepreneurial journey
06:47 – Bigger marketing budget doesn’t always translate to more sales
08:28 – Understanding your avatar
09:22 – Key questions in product, program and service assessment
13:09 – The importance of feedback
16:35 – What is feedback loop?
17:58 – Juliet’s advice to newbie entrepreneurs
21:42 – The biggest roadblock you had to overcome
24:34 – Ask a CEO
26:33 – How does your assessment work?
33:04 – Survey vs Assessment
40:00 – What do you love most about your business?
40:50 – Connect with Juliet
41:12 – #OpenMic

If you’re ready to get your book published so you can make a difference, become an authority and make an income, reach out to Juliet Clark and Super Brand Publishing.

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Tune In and Subscribe to Promote, Profit, Publish with Juliet Clark — Available on iTunes
Become the world authority you always knew you could be. You know it. We know it. And this is how the rest of the world catches up.

What’s a tip or strategy that you would like to share?

Do not rely on digital to build relationships. Digital is only a tool. Real conversations and relationships with real people is the key to converting clients.

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