Dennis Hill on Marketing, Media & Money Podcast

Data Privacy & Ownership with Dennis Hill, President of EXACTA Corporation (Episode 090)

Patty Farmerpodcast

About Dennis:

Dennis Hill is a #1 bestselling business author, a pioneer in technology, higher education, human resources, and a serial entrepreneur, running or board member for 22 companies and organizations. He has many accomplishments, but prefers to talk about his current activities which focus on highly integrated CRM solutions for small and mid-size businesses and data privacy and ownership tools for personal and family use.

Dennis is an international thought leader on blockchain in human resources and an early signatory to the data owners bill of rights, called the Presidio Principles published by the World Economic Forum.

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Technology has put a wedge in family relationships and yet family is the fundamental social network in all of history. ~ Dennis Hill Share on X

In This Episode:

02:14 – Get to know Dennis Hill, President of EXACTA Corporation
03:37 – Why Dennis Hill chose to work on EXACTA Corporation
04:46 – The importance of data privacy and security
08:44 – Using 5G and blockchain to create a safe social network
15:24 – Debunking a data privacy myth
22:08 – EXACTA being a women owned company / Family Organizer Plus
34:03 – A recent achievement for Family Organizer Plus
37:15 – Connect with EXACTA

EXACTA is driven to simplify growth for small businesses. For 40+ years, EXACTA has been helping small businesses get organized by Fewer Task – Less Work – Better Relationships.

FREE Gift: Recipe to Integrating One’s Business for Productivity

Dennis Hill’s Publications – Available on Amazon

What’s your #1 Marketing, Media & Money Strategy?

Use an INTEGRATED CRM, not just any rolodex will do.

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Thank you to our sponsor, the EXACTA Corporation,
developer of the Family Organizer Plus platform.