Jessica Peterson on Marketing, Media & Money Podcast

Living a WOW Life with Jessica Peterson (Episode 029)

Patty Farmerpodcast

About Jessica:

Jessica Peterson is a licensed Real Estate Agent and the Founder of the Simply WOW Agency. She is committed to life-long learning and has a passion for numbers and simplifying processes.

After a 20-year career in the banking and financial world where she consistently won top sales awards, Jessica stepped into her dream and created a Business and Marketing agency to provide a positive impact for the businesses she served and for their clients.

Jessica believes you can make more money but not more time. Her philosophy is to WOW people. Your business or company will grow. She helps you take it a step further and create a WOW life.

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Life and time is precious. We can always make more money, not more time. ~ Jessica Peterson Share on X


01:19 – Jessica’s bio
02:14 – The WOW Story
05:27 – On making an impression
09:01 – Balancing multiple roles in business
10:38 – A day in the life of Jessica Peterson
11:23 – A lesson that took you the longest to learn
12:18 – An important message for your younger self
15:18 – What do you love most about your business?
16:45 – Jessica’s advice to fellow entrepreneurs
17:50 – One thing you would change if you could in a snap
18:37 – Ask a CEO
21:20 – On developing a great team culture
23:11 – What does success mean to you?
28:23 – What’s next for Jessica?
30:11 – Connect with Jessica
31:15 – #OpenMic


Connect with Simply WOW Agency if you’re ready to grow your business and create your WOW life!

Jessica’s Book: Create a WOW Life: Increase Productivity. Be Happy — Available on Amazon

Create a WOW life will take you on a powerful three-step journey to WOW people, your business, and YOU! When you WOW people, your life is more enriched and your income increases. Check out Jessica’s Amazon Page

Luxour Lifestyle Magazine – Register and get your complimentary subscription.

What’s a tip or strategy that you would like to share?

Nurture your business relationships. Figure out your top raving fans and how you can wow them on a regular basis.

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