Krysti Turznik on Marketing, Media & Money Podcast

The Magic of Mindset in Your Life and Business with Krysti Turznik (Episode 025)

Patty Farmerpodcast

About Krysti:

Krysti Turznik is an international speaker, author, hypnotist, and spiritual mindset life coach helping women who feel mentally drained, physically exhausted, and spiritually depleted create a life with more meaning and value. She shows them how to leverage the scientific and spiritual principles that respond to their mindset, overcome self-sabotage, harness their innate power, and intentionally and purposefully create a life they don’t need to escape from where every day can feel like a day at the beach.

Krysti’s #1 best-selling book, Mindset Magic: Using Scientific & Spiritual Principles to Create Your Life, has been endorsed by Michael Bernard Beckwith.

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Give yourself permission to succeed and the grace to fail. ~ Krysti Turznik Share on X


01:30 – Krysti’s bio
02:29 – Krysti’s Aha moment
04:27 – Krysti’s advice on dealing with life’s hardships
06:27 – Shifting from chaos to calm
08:08 – The act of giving ourselves permission and reaching goals
09:30 – On moving forward
12:24 – Eliminating self-limiting beliefs
15:19 – Ways our mindset can impact our lives and business
17:50 – On working with clients
20:14 – Using hypnosis to overcome roadblocks
23:23 – Importance of boundaries in life and business
26:11 – Strengthening boundaries
27:14 – Identifying our purpose
28:53 – What do you love most about your business?
29:39 – Connect with Krysti
29:50 – #OpenMic


Get in touch with Krysti for transformational programs that will help you return to your whole Self and the love and joy of living.


Hypnotic Meditations

Cut through the layers that get in the way of feeling and living the way you wish to live, reconnect to your deeper self, and choose calm over chaos. These simple hypnotic meditations will help you remember you are in control and can return to peace, power, and your purpose.

Self-Hypnosis Guide

Tune into your deepest self, hear your authentic voice, deepen your spiritual connection.


Affirmations direct your mind to focus on what you wish to experience and create. They guide your mind to your goals. These 100 Affirmations were created to help you experience a more joyful life where you are filled with purpose, passion, and peace.

Change Your Beliefs Worksheet

Learn how your beliefs have impacted your life. Discover how to change them into powerful beliefs that support you.

Krysti’s Book: Mindset Magic: Using Scientific & Spiritual Principles to Create Your Life

Awaken to your true power and discover the key to creating your best life possible.

Get in touch with Krysti and find more valuable freebies >>

What’s a tip or strategy that you would like to share?

When dealing with the media, it’s important to be show up as yourself and be 100% authentic to who you truly are and what you believe in, so that when people reach out to you work with you they can trust that you are exactly who you’ve portrayed yourself to be.

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