Lorraine Ball on Marketing, Media & Money Podcast

Marketing Metrics with Lorraine Ball (Episode 037)

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About Lorraine:

After spending too many years in Corporate America, Lorraine Ball said goodbye to the bureaucracy, glass ceilings and bad coffee. Today you can find her at Roundpeg, a digital agency in Carmel, Indiana, building smart strategies for businesses who want to use internet marketing to grow.

An author, professional speaker and the host of More than a Few Words, weekly marketing conversation for business owners, Lorraine brings creative ideas, practical tips and decades of real-world experience to every conversation.

A teacher at heart, she has launched an online training community – The Digital Toolbox, filled with interactive resources, webinars and self-paced learning tools for new and growing small businesses.

In her spare time, she loves to travel and take photos. You can see her photos at lorraineball.com

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Consistency (year over year evaluation) is the only way to get a true picture of what your business is and how it's really doing. ~ Lorraine Ball Share on X

In This Episode:

01:30 – Lorraine’s bio
02:27 – Lorraine’s Aha moment
04:49 – What’s one thing in your business that took you the longest to learn?
09:32 – Marketing metric categories
12:10 – Sales funnel vs marketing funnel
15:06 – Measuring metrics based on objectives
20:04 – Selecting and tracking metrics on social media channels
26:19 – 2 tips on selecting metrics
28:26 – Lorraine’s advice to brand new entrepreneurs
32:15 – Connect with Lorraine
32:33 – Lorraine’s gift for listeners
33:23 – #OpenMic

Get in touch with Lorraine and her team at RoundPeg for content marketing, web and graphic design and digital strategy that fits your business.
>> www.roundpeg.biz

How to Measure Your Marketing — Watch the Video

FREEBIE: The Digital Toolbox — Audit Your Website!

Take a good look at your website. Are you welcoming visitors and turning them into prospects or turning them off sending them back to Google to find your competitors?

If your website is out of date or is missing elements visitors have come to expect, then you are disappointing them at every turn. But you can change that with our Web Audit Kit.

Kit includes: Web Score Card, Web Work Out Plan and a Project Kick off document”

More Than a Few Words — Listen and Subscribe!

It’s the Marketing Podcast for Business Owners. Each brief marketing podcast episode is filled with practical tips and trends you can apply to your business today.

What’s a tip or strategy that you would like to share?

What is your objective? For every marketing activity, there needs to be a reason to devote time and resources. That sounds like a simple question, but the answer isn’t simple because marketing can do many things. It can help you build awareness for your brand, track your competitors and/or interact with your customers.

Certain types of marketing can also be used to develop strategic relationships and even connect with prospects and customers, If you are going to measure the results of your activity, you need to decide what your objectives are. Be realistic, marketing can do many things but not all at once.

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