Mid-life My A**. Living the Second Season of Your Life Your Way with Lonnee Rey (Episode 001)

Patty Farmerpodcast 3 Comments

About Lonnee:

Lonnee Rey is a marketing and messaging skills trainer and interviewing skills consultant. With over 20 years as a professional brand ambassador and promotional marketing business owner, she has worked with Lexus, Kellogg’s, Buick, and many other multinational brand names.

Her passion is helping authors, entrepreneurs, leaders, marketing directors, and those she might consider Fringe or outliers, to confidently grab the global microphone and speak their message in no uncertain terms!

You're the expert of your story. - Lonnee Rey Share on X

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If you stay focused on the what the how will make itself known. - Lonnee Rey Share on X


01:30 – Lonnee’s intro
04:05 – Lonnee’s journey
05:53 – The Big Yes Talk Show
07:51 – 3 Questions for a CEO
10:36 – Lonnee’s advice
12:36 – A lesson that took the longest to learn
15:00 – Conquering fears
16:28 – What do you love most about your business?
17:06 – The best piece of advice you’ve ever received
18:42 – Proven effective strategy
20:45 – Recommended read
22:15 – Connect with Lonnee
23:26 – #OpenMic

Website: www.2020storycoach.com

Connect with Lonnee and discover the WHO that is YOU behind the WHAT that you DO and the HOW that is your ‘special sauce’!

Lonnee’s Podcast: Mid-life My A**. I’m Just Gettin’ Started
What’s a tip or strategy that you would like to share?
  • Realize and recognize what you have to offer — your value. You’re the expert of your story. There is no impostor in the room.
  • Feel comfortable with what you have to offer and know that there’s a need for it.
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Comments 3

  1. Wow what a great podcast! Loved the showed. Loved Lonnee. Yes “people are hungry to hear inspirational stories.”
    We all have “special sauce”

    1. Post

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