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Money Momentum, Ego Tricks & Emotional IQ with Jena Rodriguez (Episode 051)
About Jena:
Jena Rodriguez, a Transformational Leadership Mentor & Growth Strategist, helps top leaders, corporate teams, and CEO’s at plateaus get radically brave in their life and business. She helps crack open the nuances of the ego mind which keeps us playing small and “safe” so that the higher self can be in the driver’s seat.
Success is about self leadership, mindset mastery, emotional IQ, culture harmony and being a BRAVE MASTER! Although she provides her clients with result-driven strategy, it’s insufficient for permanent change to occur if they don’t also outsmart their egos!
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Recognize what you want and be willing to take imperfect actions. Stop trying to figure out all the hows, whats and whens. ~ Jena Rodriguez Share on X
In This Episode:
01:38 – Get to know Jena Rodriguez
04:58 – Jena’s entrepreneurial journey
14:33 – Jena’s advice to newbie entrepreneurs
17:13 – How the mind hijacks money momentum/How to outsmart the ego
24:21 – Connect with Jena
24:41 – Jena’s gift for listeners
25:58 – #OpenMic
WEBSITE: www.bravemasters.com
Get in touch with Jena Rodriguez if you’re ready to get unstuck at plateaus in your business/life, grow and scale up! It’s time to get your BRAVE ON!
FREEBIE: Take the Bravemaster Egoic Archetype Quiz
Why is knowing your Egoic Archetype so important? It’s your pathway to self-leadership, higher understanding, transformational change and emotional evolution. Discover what your Egoic Archetype is by taking this short quiz and learn which of the 14 Ego Tricks are your go-to behaviors.
Join the Facebook Group Brave By Purpose
This group is for BRAVE LEADERS and those seeking to get more BRAVE on in their life, relationships, businesses or career. What I know is YOU are ready to unleash your fullest potential with up-leveling your PROFITABLE consciousness, self-leadership and self-awareness.
The Brave Entrepreneur Podcast – Listen & Subscribe
Get ready to be inspired, be uplifted, be motivated to take the necessary action in your business and life while having your heart filled up with courage to do so. Listen to The Brave Entrepreneur Podcast for conversations that can shift your perspective, give you hope, inspire you, and encourage you to stand in your light. Don’t sit back and wait for things to happen; make them happen.
What’s a tip or strategy that you would like to share?
Who you BE is what you SEE in your results! Realize ALL the external results you desire or un-desire requires an internal resolve. If you want more money for example, then look at what is in the way (internally) that might be in the way of the #speedofreceive of the money you want!