Gina Estrada on Marketing, Media & Money Podcast

Networking to Financial Freedom with Gina Estrada (Episode 053)

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About Gina:

Gina Estrada believes that all female business owners and entrepreneurs should be first and foremost, FINANCIALLY ORGANIZED. She is working hard to help as many women as she can up-level their income with the goal of reaching 6-figures. For that reason, she created EspressoBrain’s 4-week Networking Mastermind designed to maximize the time you spend networking and creating profitable relationships.
Gina is a Financial Consultant with her Firm Estrada+Associates specializing in Retirement planning.

She is also a Business Networking Strategist and Blogger under the brand She has served on many local non-profit organization’s boards of directors and committees for over 30 years. (American Heart Association, March of Dimes, Big Brothers Big Sisters, National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors, Professional Women’s Network of the Monterey Peninsula, Clovis Chamber of Commerce)

As an Amazon Best Selling Author and Speaker, Gina is a sought after by many groups and organizations to speak on a variety of topics including Business Networking and Maintaining a Healing Mindset in the Midst of Chaos and Confusion.

Gina specializes in helping her clients be AMONG THE WELL PREPARED AND CONNECTED.

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With the proper questions, networking is not scary. ~ Gina Estrada Share on X

In This Episode:

01:45 – Get to know Gina Estrada
03:42 – What is financial freedom?
04:43 – Building a unique financial consulting company / Maximizing time
07:22 – The Miracle Morning
08:11 – Common revenue leaks
11:32 – Trait of a master networker
13:15 – EspressoBrain
15:34 – EspressoBrain-Mel Kaufmann Team-Up / Little Miracles Book
21:26 – Favorite tidbits from the Little Miracles
24:25 – Networking event ice breakers
26:07 – Connect with Gina
26:25 – Gina’s FREE gift for listeners
27:33 – #OpenMic

EspressoBrain is a collaboration of individuals who provide direction to individuals, business owners, and sales teams on how to maximize the time they spent “networking”. Get in touch with Team EspressoBrain if you’re ready to grow your business through powerful networking.

FREEBIE: ROI Worksheet on Networking in Groups or Organizations
Are You Getting a Return on Investment from Your Networking Group or Organization? Grab this Organizational Spreadsheet template to help you carefully plan out your involvement in networking groups and organizations.

Available on Amazon: Little Miracles: A Journey to Financial Freedom
Little Miracles is a very unique and profitable book that does not explain networking but teaches how to use networking. It has transformed networking from a frivolous activity to an exact science. With the Little Miracles, networking is now a discipline.

Other Books Mentioned in the Podcast:

What’s a tip or strategy that you would like to share?

Networking without a solid plan is a complete waste of time and money. Clarity=Prosperity!!

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