Shayla Boyd-Gill on Marketing, Media & Money Podcast

Turning Your Phone into a High-Ticket Selling Machine with Shayla Boyd-Gill (Episode 106)

Patty Farmerpodcast


About Shayla:

Shayla Boyd-Gill, the Luxe Your Business Mentor and creator of the Luxe Your Business Sales System, is an EXTRAORDINARY and PROVEN business mentor and sales strategist who shows women entrepreneurs how to have it all – family, freedom, and affluence – while doing what they love.

She teaches her clients to restructure their businesses and lives by boosting their high-ticket sales so they can make more money in less time without a heavy client load.

She juggles being an entrepreneur with being a wife of 24 years, and mom of six homeschooled children.


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My job is not to serve everyone. My job is to serve the right people. ~ Shayla Boyd-Gill Share on X

In This Episode:

02:11 – Get to know Shayla Boyd-Gill
04:01 – Becoming an expert at making discovery calls via phone
07:07 – The biggest myth about discovery calls
16:01 – Shayla’s tips to get a higher close rate
19:33 – 3 important things to do on every sales call
27:35 – A simple structure that converts with ease
35:30 – #1 mistake people make on sales calls
37:40 – Is there a “sweet spot” for pricing on a discovery call?
39:38 – Connect with Shayla Boyd-Gill
39:59 – Shayla’s FREE gift for #M3Podcast listeners: Sales Discovery Call Workbook
40:52 – #OpenMic


Get in touch with Shayla Boyd-Gill if you’re ready to sell high-ticket with a purpose and scale your six-figure business so that you can make a massive impact while doing what you love.

FREE Gift: Sales Discovery Call Workbook
A high-ticket sales discovery call training system that will help you to scale your business with ease, abundance and a big spirit of service.


What’s your #1 Marketing, Media & Money Strategy?

Schedule a weekly money date and monthly money review session to determine how your money is working for you and how you are treating your money. It is essential.


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The Marketing, Media, & Money Podcast (and Magazine) are Sponsored by the Exacta Corporation, founder of the Corporate Organizer, more than a CRM and award-winning Family Organizer Plus. One Busy Life. Two Easy Apps. 

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