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Using Card Decks to Grow your Business with Rosie Battista (Episode 036)
About Rosie:
Rosie Battista is a firm believer that miracles happen everyday and anything is possible.
She was firmly convinced of this when she accomplished something not many people do, especially at her age. For her 50th birthday, she competed in her first body building figure competition. After losing 40 pounds, she stood on stage next to women half her age, one of them her 20 year old daughter.
From this physical change came a spiritual transformation with Rosie understanding that everything she needed was already inside of her. From that point, her mission was to share this discovery, launching her book series, Sleeping Naked After 40 Guidebook, Cooking Naked After 40 Cookbook and Naked Truth Journal as a way to teach about self love.
As a Spiritual Coach and Super Creative, Rosie teaches Self Love You-tensils and Spiritual Essentials for enhancing lives and businesses. She helps clients discard old patterns and limiting beliefs. With their newfound freedom, Rosie teaches them how to get their message into the world in a physical product they are proud to share. Her recent addition to her creative services is her Card Deck Creation Course helping students create gorgeous card decks that empower their clients and grow their business.
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Your only job is to give your gifts. Holding back serves no one. ~ Rosie Battista Share on X
In This Episode:
01:26 – Rosie’s bio
02:39 – Rosie’s entrepreneurial journey
05:29 – Core principle: self love muscle
07:52 – The card deck
11:55 – Using the card deck to grow a business
14:23 – The importance of physical product in business
15:50 – How did you come up with the idea of card decks?
18:28 – Rosie’s Book: Sleeping Naked After 40
24:14 – A big roadblock that you had to overcome / Rosie’s 3 core principles
30:42 – Rosie’s A\advice to newbie entrepreneurs or small business owners
33:30 – Connect with Rosie
34:36 – Rosie’s gift for listeners
35:52 – #OpenMic
Are you ready to use card decks to grow your business? Get in touch with Rosie Battista so you can uncover your gifts so you can share them with the world. >> www.rosiebattista.com
Learn how you can use card decks and what kind of card deck would work best in your business.
FREEBIE: Self-Love You-tensils — Grab Your Copy!
This meditation guide and self love letter template will help you fall back in love with yourself.
Rosie’s Book: Sleeping Naked After 40 — Available on Amazon
Become the world authority you always knew you could be. You know it. We know it. And this is how the rest of the world catches up.
What’s a tip or strategy that you would like to share?
SHOW UP AND SHARE. You may have the best product OR best content OR be the best coach out there. But if you are the best kept secret you are not helping anyone.
For me right now, 2020 is the year of my showing up everywhere. For me, it looks like Facebook lives with my card readings, consistent Monday Morning emails that are pulling a card for my audience, being a guest on podcasts and sharing this product opportunity, and creating my own podcast that will encourage, motivate and inspire others to get their gift out there into the world.