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What Dog Am I?: A Unique Personality Assessment To Fuel Your Life With Ricelli Mordecai (Episode 116)

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What Dog Am I?: A Unique Personality Assessment To Fuel Your Life With Ricelli Mordecai
I'm looking forward to sharing this episode's industry expert with you. I'm super excited and have been waiting to have her on the show. You're going to love it and learn a lot from it, too, because we're going to ask the question, "What dog am I?" You may be thinking to yourself, "What? She's going to be telling us what dog I am and a guide to fuel your performance in life and business?” I'm super excited because I want to know that and know what dog I am because I love dogs. It sounds funny, but this is going to be great. Make sure you have your pen and paper and get ready.
Let me tell you a little bit about our guest. Ricelli Mordecai is an Empowerment Coach, Author, and International Speaker. She's the creator of the Personality Assessment System, What Dog Am I? It identifies your core personality along with the right emotional fuel so that you can learn what truly motivates and drives you. Her system supports and empowers you by supplying the right motivators to elevate your performance and communication ability, personally and professionally. I can't wait to dive right in. Ricelli, thank you so much for being here with me.
Thank you. I'm so excited to be here.
I love this whole topic. There are a lot of personality assessments out there. There's probably something good about every single one of them, but I do have to tell you, as somebody who loves animals, specifically dogs, this one caught my eye. More than that, what got my attention was when some of the people in my networking world started saying, "Patty, you're this," and somebody else nailed it. I don't know if that is, but they all said I was the same thing. I was like, "What are you talking about?"
They then told me about you and how you did this. That's what made me reach out to you and ask you to be on the show because there are a lot of different ones out there, but this one made sense to me a lot. That's where I want to start. You're an empowerment coach, author, and speaker. What's the story? How did you create this personality assessment system and what does it have to do with dogs?
I love that question and I get that all the time. I have been aware that people are different from a very young age. I'm the oldest of three, the same set of parents, all born within three years, went through the same life changes and we are very different. I have my youngest brother who was quick to make friends and everybody knew him and he knew everybody. I had my middle brother, who was always so thorough, obedient, and structured, and then we had me. I always felt like, "How can we all be related and have the same set of parents and life and be so different?"
I've always been fascinated with the concept. As a four-year-old, I didn't know that what I was analyzing was personalities, but that question was always innate within me. I was always thinking about that. Later on in life, I remember the first time that I went through therapy in my mid-twenties and studying a book on personalities. My therapist was trying to help me understand why people are different, why not everybody is suitable to be a mate with you, why people at work are so different and all those things.
That's when I started to study all of that. Fast forward a couple of years later, my husband was going through school and studying Psychology, and I felt like I went through school with him. That's when we got emerged into the concept. We wanted to understand what drove us, what made people so different, and why one person behaved a certain way versus another person who behaved so differently.
The more I studied, the more I saw that most personality assessments, at least the ones that were simple to understand, were based on four quadrants. It was an easy way to connect with people, put them in that box, and off you go, but there was always something that those personality assessments were lacking, which was a true emotion or energy with the description and the person.
I don't believe people should be blood types. I don't believe in personality A or B personalities. I don't believe in, "That's the go-getter. That one sucks." I believe human beings are like cars. A Ford on the right fuel will perform better than a Ferrari on the wrong one. Starting with that concept, I remember it as if it was yesterday. A couple of years ago, I was a new mom. I had a new baby and went to bed. In the bed of the night, I was awakened by the dogs. Being a praying woman myself, I said, "God, if this is an inspiration, I'm tired right now. The baby didn't sleep. Tomorrow at 11:30 AM, it will be nice if I am reminded of this," and that is exactly what happened.
I was given the four dogs. I went to talk to my husband over the weekend and I said, "Michael, I'm going to give you four dogs and I want you to match them with the personality types that we have been studying for many years." When I gave him the last one, his jaw about dropped. It feels like, "Where is this coming from?" I pointed at the ceiling and I was like, "It doesn't come from me. I'll tell you this much."
By telling him that and the way that he was able to match them with those four dogs, my husband is not a dog person and I'm not necessarily a dog person either, but there was something very distinctive of all those four breeds that everybody connects with. They each produce a very unique energy about them. When you encounter a person that matches that personality, it's almost like you see the dog at that person right away.
Why is this relevant? Especially when there are so many personality assessments out there. When we want to communicate with people, if we're not capable within 30 seconds to identify who that person is, we might be barking up the wrong tree. We might be having conversations that are pointless because we're talking to people from our own perspective instead of theirs.
It's similar to ethnicities. When people look at me right away, they can say, "She's not Asian." They don't know quite yet what I am, but they know I'm probably not Asian. I'm probably not German because I have dark hair. That's the same thing. they wouldn't greet me in Japanese, for example, or they wouldn't speak German to me because by looking at me, they're like, "I don't think that she's from those places."
As they talked to me, they'll probably pick up on my accent, maybe South America, Brazil, and all that stuff. It's the same thing with personalities. Within less than 30 or 60 seconds, you looked at somebody and matched that individual with the energy of one of those four breeds or at least works a process of elimination. I'm pretty sure she is not this or that, then I can start having a conversation that is more centered around the individual and what truly motivates that individual.
I do think that whenever things could be pretty simple, whether somebody is a dog person or not, I'm assuming that the four different breeds of dogs are very distinct. Are you going to tell us what they are or you're not going to tell us what they are?
I can tell what they are because I love this. I love that at the end of this, people are going to start assessing everybody around them, and this is so much fun. It's St. Bernard, Labrador, German Shepherd, and Dobermann.
Those are very distinct four. We haven't known each other for a long time, but do you already know which one I am?
I do, but I never talk about who people are, especially in conversations like this, and let me tell you why. Personal development plays a huge factor in how people behave. A lot of us were out there in the public eye, and we have learned to speak different languages to adapt and to talk to people. People sometimes say, "I'm a chameleon. I can change myself in different circumstances," and that is why we're writing the second book right now, which centers around who you are from what empowers you versus how you have learned to behave because true individuals can perform the same task exactly the same, but having different empowerment involvement on the task.

What Dog Am I?: A unique personality assessment guide that fuels your performance in business and life
If we look at St. Bernard as a dog and what we know about St. Bernard, we know that St. Bernard is very mellow. It's a rescue dog and it rescues anybody that needs help. That is usually the individual, the Madre Teresa's of the world, that are going to stop whatever it is that they are doing to rescue people and make the world a better place.
We know that German Shepherds are police dogs. We know that they have a mission and they have a beginning and an end. They are very structured. We know people like that, people that see the world of black and white, no 50 shades of anything, that's not the truth. They're very structured and have a different rhythm and energy of them too.
We then have the Labradors. What we know about them is that they come in and it's party time. "I met you and I love you." They're hyper and have energy. They're very social. We know people like that too and they match that energy. We know the Dobermanns and they are very intense dogs. If it enters the room, you're like, "Where do I hide? What's going on here?" It has that intense energy about it. We know individuals like that too.
When we are in marketing and sales, it's so important that we're able to assess that. One tip that I share with everybody is that most of the people that you've come across are not refined. They are not focused on personal development, especially if you've captured them on a bad day. People tend to be very raw and behave like that version of the dog within them. It's another easy way to assess people.
There are exceptions to every rule. Would you say that most people are a combination or most people are truly one and can adapt, like what you said about the second book? I've had people say different things to me and I'm like, "No, that's not true. It's in the circumstances that I live. I didn't decide that it got decided for me and it was that way."
I'm not a single mom, but I was. When you are a single mom or somebody is a single mom, you have to have certain things you rise to because you have no choice. There are different things that happen in situations and you have to adapt to those situations. Do you think that most people truly are one and have certain characteristics or have had to adapt to that, or do you think sometimes people are a couple of things?
My first belief is that people are a combination of two. You have your core personality and secondary personality. If we were to look at individuals again with a side analogy of the car, your core personality gives you the fuel which you need in order to have the power to go and your secondary personality is almost like your additive, which gave in small quantities is going to enhance their performance. For example, a Dobermann-German shepherd will have a different energy than Dobermann-Lab. It's like with dogs when we breed dogs, two different breeds, we get to see that slightly different behavior and energy, so that is one thing. Most people are a combination off to you.
The second question has to do with adaptability. Being from South America, we are having this discussion about being a Dobermann from South America. Being social is part of my culture. For resilience, I learned how to speak Labrador, as I call it, from a very young age because there are parties everywhere. We are a part of a very social culture. Everybody's first birthday is a big deal in Brazil. We have this social component about us that might have a resilient Dobermann behave differently than maybe a Dobermann from a different culture that is more serious, walls up, and says, "This is my territory and nobody should be part of that."
People learn different languages to survive. That is my belief. We might learn languages of different personalities to survive and that might impact the way we behave in certain circumstances. However, the intention behind that behavior never changes regardless of being a Dobermann from Brazil or a Dobermannfrom a more serious century like Great Britain. We might behave a bit differently, but the intention behind that behavior is a very Dobermann-like, German Shepherd-like, Labrador, or St. Bernard.
I find that very interesting. I love that you're talking about it in cars, too, because now I'm like, "That's good." One of my most popular speeches was I was doing it about shoes and purses, like, "Are you a Kate Spade, Carlos Santana, or Coach purse?" Whatever the case may be. I did that. It was for fun and from a marketing point of view, but so this is fascinating to me.
What you said about the cars, I love that one. That was good, but talking about the additives. I think that is a secret there. You're talking about fuel. We have fuel in our business and personal lives, but I have heard you talk about something that's emotional fuel. Tell us a little bit about this emotional fuel and how it can help you to improve your performance in both your professional and personal life if you know that.
Again, with the car analogy, because if we think about it, a car without fuel cannot go anywhere, but if you give the wrong fuel, chances are you're going to kill the engine. That becomes such an important element of performance in life. Emotional fuel as we are creating the description for this new concept, the same way that we put fuel in a car or whatever type of machine to produce power so that you can perform what is supposed to.
I was on a coaching call and this guy that I was training said something so awesome. He said, "You put fuel so it will produce power and it can do its job." What powers us to do what we need to do? I had a conversation with a Dobermann that said that he was going through a terrible time in his life and somebody said, "Look at all that you're going through and this can be to help other people in the future." This Dobermann was saying, "But that's not my fuel. You gave me a St. Bernard fuel and you broke me down and I don't know how I'm going to recover from this right now."
Emotional fuel is an element that powers you to become the best version of yourself. As you become the best version of yourself, I look at personal development in four different levels of development and empowerment situations. For you to be able to become the best version of yourself, you need to have your fuel. You need to know what it is about your fuel that will give you that power to produce the energy so that you can be what the business world calls a performer or, "This one is a driver," or "This is a powerhouse," or whatever it is that people call it.
I don't believe that that is associated with one type of personality. Each one of us, given the right fuel, will perform wonders in the world and if not given that fuel, we will be stuck like a car. At the same time, using the car analogy and the fuel, a sports car will never be a truck and that is okay because you use trucks for very specific things and use sports cars for other things. Regardless, without the right fuel, those amazing machines will not be able to live up to their potential. That's the same with us.
Spoiler alert here, but to share with people, a St. Bernard's main fuel is a cause like rescuing people or making the world a better place. A German shepherd is a mission, a structure, or a beginning and an end. It needs to feel useful. A Labrador is a dreamer and he needs to feel included. The more, the merrier. That's what fuels Labradors. Dobermanns need to feel important in order for them to perform and that is part of their emotional fuel.
In my mind, as I'm listening to you, I’m thinking about the people that I interact with in my personal life, as well as in business. When you talk about personality type, I've also heard you talk about intention versus behavior. You briefly talked about that, "What is your intention, and what is a behavior that you developed?" What are the realistic expectations of not only other people but of ourselves too?
That's where it could be interesting. If you know someone and you're like, "They are St. Bernard. They're definitely a Dobermann," whatever the case may be, but understanding sometimes that, "This behavior doesn't match," but yet you don't know what their intention is. Can we talk a little bit about that?
If you want to know who people are, try to spend time with them as the raw version of themselves when they are frustrated. You would know right away based on their energy of who they are. When it comes to behavior, you can have somebody doing a particular task with an intention that is so different. Let's look at the case of the dishwasher. I usually use that as an example. A German Shepherd is organizing the dishwasher a certain way because everything has a structure and the manual says that this is how you do it so that you follow that instruction.

What Dog Am I: When we want to communicate with people, if we're not capable within 30 seconds to identify who that person is, we might be barking up the wrong tree.
You might have a Dobermann loading up the dishwasher the very same way to say, "It's my way or the highway. It's my house. This is how it goes. This is what makes me feel important is the way I created this process. This is my idea. This is how I feel important, through loading up the dishwasher a certain way." I see that a lot with me and my siblings in certain situations in our lives where we had to behave the same because we were bound by the same rules of the household.
The reason why we each did certain things was very different and it hasn't changed. That is one of the things that I always go back to. Years later, who we were, it's still the same. We reassigned certain values, but which was our motivation at a very young age is through our motivation and seeking for emotional view at this point in our lives.
There are a couple of things that I can unpack from that. One, I love the dishwasher thing because my husband is the person who loads the dishwasher and if I put things in the dishwasher, I notice that he may not have ever decided he wanted that job, but he would always change how I would do it, "These cup coffee cups should go over here." I was like, "Good. You now get to have that as a job." I don't know if he ever said, "I want to be the person to load the dishwasher," but he is the person who loads the dishwasher.
I don't want to be somebody that I do something and somebody comes behind me and changes it. "If you want it a certain way, then good, you do it," which probably does say something about us. In our personal life, what is interesting is what I had noticed in my family, for example, when my mother passed away. Before she passed away, after she had the stroke and the different stuff that happened, I noticed that I come from a large family and everybody did things differently. Emotions were high at that time. There were a few challenges that we had to go through.
I remember how hard it was, and then somebody told me that we each had a different role to play. Nobody was better or worse. It was just different. That helped me a lot when my parents were gone. My father passed away a few months after that. For my family, I knew that for us to all come out of that well, we needed to recognize that and realize that every one of us added value to what we were going through, but in their own way and that is important.
I especially think moving it forward into business. You could have a team of people and say, "Here's what we're going to work on or project." They will all approach it differently on how to get to the same place. It's like when you were in school and we used to do Math this way, and then when my teenagers came home, they said, "The teachers say we can't do it that way. We have to be able to do it this way," and I was like, "Did we get the correct answer?" They said, "Yes, but it wasn't about having the correct answer. It was like how we got the correct answer that they cared about."
With that, I think that when you're thinking about building a team, who you're hiring, maybe who's a collaborative partner for you, how important is it to know these things and be aware of them to get the most out of that partnership whichever way it is? I could see how knowing those things could determine whether somebody is your collaborative partner and how much better that turns out. Partner in life, too, versus if you were hiring a virtual assistant or thinking about hiring somebody to come in and help you. I could see where all of those things and being aware of not what you are, but also being aware of what they are and how sometimes that can make the process much easier or much harder.
This is what I usually say in reference to your comments about everybody playing a different role. Your ability to anticipate behavior. Would you have a Labrador or Dobermann as the guard dog for your house if you live in that dangerous neighborhood? With the anticipation of behavior, we have more reasonable expectations. I know this is German shepherd wording here, but the ability to reasonably expect certain things.
I was talking to a friend and she was telling me about her son going through a divorce. I'm like, "I knew that that was going to happen. It was not a matter of if. It was a matter of when." She said, "You only saw him once and you have never even met her." I'm like, "I know her personality. She's a core Dobermann and he is a core St. Bernard, and because of that, I can anticipate behavior."
She said, "Really? Indulge me." I'm like, "This is probably what happened and this is what happened on this side. She did something around those lines and he did this." She was like, "How do you know?" I said, "I can anticipate behavior based on their personality type, so it doesn't shock me as much." Some people say to me, "Could you have expected that that was going to happen?" I said, "Absolutely. I know who he was and who she was."
I knew the dynamic and the other things were details. It's almost like a Hallmark movie that you're like, "I've seen this plot before." They changed the name of the city, the season, and the actors. It all ended up with a kiss and everybody's going to live happily ever after. Your ability to anticipate behavior for building any type of relationship in business and in life, it's vital.
The old saying, "You don't want to be caught with your pants down," the idea is that if you don't want to be caught with your pants down, you need to be able to anticipate behavior. How do you anticipate behavior? By quickly assessing and analyzing people's personalities, you can know what is often associated with that personality and what can happen.
A Labrador in business will be the party person. Everybody's going to collaborate, but my reports might not be delivered on time and we might have to have several people auditing their work. While a German Shepherd in business, it's going to take longer for the work to get started because shepherds are notorious for crossing every T, dotting every I, and getting all their ducks in a row before starting something. Here's what I do know. They are very thorough about everything that they do. It's not saying that a Labrador cannot learn these traits. The reasons, behavior, and intention, and being able to anticipate what might happen, it's much easier when you know the dog you're dealing with.
Once when I was at the event where I was speaking, one of the speakers was someone who had an assessment. I won't mention which one it was. They had us all take it, but here's what was the game-changer, not necessarily about the assessment, but about how to apply it. It was a game-changer for me in my business.
What happened was after he spoke, he had, "If you're a this or this," and he had us get into different groups, so you were with your group. He said, "What we're going to do is I'm going to tell you a story, and you have five minutes to come up with a solution to the problem." Within each group, somebody was the leader and I was chosen as the leader of my group, no surprise there.
The question was, "If you have a business and you got a phone call from your number one most important client who makes up more than 50% of your business and tells you that he is thinking about leaving and creates a meeting for you in 24 hours, at which time he's going to decide. What would you do with the 24 hours?
As long as he told me the story, I had the answer. I turned to the group and I was like, "First of all, who'd be dumb enough to have one person be 50% of their business?" That was my first question. The second thing was we had 24 hours. What are we going to do? My group, we all were like, "We're going to spend those 24 hours replacing that income." We're going to spend these 24 hours replacing that 50% income. The five minutes go by and then he comes back. He turns to us first and he says, "What's your answer?" I told him our answer. He's like, "That's a pretty good answer."
This sounds arrogant, but I was thinking, "Is there any other answer?" To me, I couldn't even see any other answer. He goes to the second group and he asks them and they said, "What we would do is we would be reviewing everything we've done, and we'd use those 24 hours to figure out what the problem was in the first place so that we could fix it so they wouldn't leave." I was like, "That was good. I got there too, but first, let's replace the 50% income. We're going to do that too, but we should be doing this."
They then go to the next group, which floored me, and he says, "What would you guys do?" They said, "We would create a policy and procedure to make sure this would never happen again." I was like, "We're going to do that too, but we only have 24 hours." That's going to happen later to make sure that's going to happen, but why are we worrying about that now?"

What Dog Am I: Your core personality gives you the fuel you need to have the power to go. Your secondary personality is almost like your additive, which, in small quantities, is going to enhance their performance.
The moral of the story he said was, "When you hire, you tend to hire people who are you that think the same way that you do because it makes the most sense, but what you need to do is have someone from each one of those people on your team and that's how you're going to get the best results." That was an eye-opener for me because I did feel that at that moment in my business, I was hiring people who got my vision, who were like me and thought like me and that was what it was.
Also, at that moment, to be totally honest, the person who was saying that they wanted to make the policy and procedure, "I wouldn't even think they were on board." To me, when I heard that, I was like, "That's lazy. Why aren't you taking care of the problem? That's taking care of what we should do in the future, but it wasn't addressing the problem which was this person was going to walk out the door with 50% of our income."
Once I thought about what he said, "It was a game-changer in my business." I didn't tell you what assessment that was because it's not relevant, but the story is what's relevant. Years later, I've never forgotten it because his example of the story made so much sense. It was a great story that showed how people thought differently in the program. With that said, don't you think it's amazing how people would think that differently about that problem?
To me, until he opened it up to them, I couldn't see what was any other solution at that moment. We only had 24 hours. To me, we need to train you on why would you let one person be 50% of your income? I couldn't even believe it. When the second person did say their part, I was like, "We knew that. You don't want the guy to leave, but what if you replaced that and then you didn't get him to leave, and how far ahead of the game are you now?" What are your thoughts on that?
I love this. This is what I said. I'm like, "That'll be me too." Here's what is so interesting. We want to spend time with people that we connect with the most. We usually connect most with people who see the world through the same lenses. I didn't understand, as a Dobermann and a visionary growing up, why it was so hard for me to make friends and why you were so easy for my youngest brothers to make friends with everybody. Everybody knows my brother. It's hilarious.
The stories that I have that I could share about that were never me. It was hard for me to look at life early on and say, "Why can't I be more like this and more like that? We want people to see the world the same as us because it's in a language that we have mastered and it's fluent to us. When I moved to America, I remember my mom saying, "You're going over there to learn English. Do not hang out with Brazilians.” The number of Brazilians that I know here have years living in America only speak Portuguese because you want to be around people that are the same. It gives you a sense of belonging in some way.
When we hire in business, that is our tendency. As with that trainer, we might be robbing ourselves of seeing things from different perspectives. What if that client was not of the same personality type as mine and somebody else in my team that has the same personality type as that client is seeing things from their perspective.
For example, the idea of us proposing that we're going to have policies in place to never have to deal with a certain type of problem before is the differentiator between keeping that client or not keeping that client. By me going from, "Why do we have a client that is 50% of our income? This should have never happened." I might not be solving a problem, even though for me that is solving a problem because I'm like, "Let's go. Let's move. Let's see what can be done." Hiring people from different personality types is a great asset if you are capable of accepting that people have different perspectives and that we all have our parts to play. This is a big if that those readers should be writing down.
I've been in business one time with a very strong German Shepherd. That person wanted to be in a meeting until 1:00 AM, looking at the books. I'm like, "I have to go to bed because, at 7:00 AM, I have a big sales presentation that can make or break our month." "Can't you do both?" I'm like, "You're not going to be doing what I'm going to be doing. Why don't you do your part you're great at and let me do my part that I'm great at?"
We should come to terms with the fact that we all have a role to play and that we can all be an asset. It's not our jobs as leaders to be like, "I want somebody to see the world in structure, but I also want them to be available at 2:00 AM if I have an idea and if I want to call them to chit chat about that," it's not going to happen. Let people operate within their lanes. Celebrate them and know that you hire them for a specific purpose. However, a lot of times, it happens that we hire the right person for the wrong role because that person should be in accounting and not in sales. It's not a problem. Those are my thoughts.
I also think too that we want everybody on the bus. Here's the bus. The bus is the project. This is our business. They're bringing a different ingredient to the recipe. A lot of times, when you're making a recipe, you're like, "This needs a little more of this and this has way too much salt," or whatever the case may be, but the reality is, it's the sum total of the team as long as everybody understands the value. The problem is when we ask somebody who should be talking about policy and procedure and we're expecting them to be the person to go out and replace the income in 24 hours.
Do you feel that this process that you have, which seems so much easier than some of the assessments out there that are so difficult? It is so much easier to put in play or to implement beforehand or before you were going to hire somebody. For example, if somebody said to me, "Patty, we'd make great collaboration partners. Your business and my business. We're like peanut butter and jelly, but to be more efficient, are you okay with taking this assessment?"
For me, I'd be like, "That's awesome. I would love that." I'm sure some people may not, which tells you something right there. It's great that you can do it and take it, but how do you figure it out about all the other people that are around you, whether personal or business? Is it something that by reading your incoming second book, something in there where that helps you to be able to identify other people without having them take an assessment?
Absolutely. I also train in a seminar called Sales Masters, which is eight hours long, and that's when people become masters at identifying personalities and using that as a way to gain agreements in their collaborations and being able to get you to the yes. The book is a great way to get started because that's when you start looking at people from the descriptions of each dog. There's an assessment over there that you can do for yourself, but you can also use it as a guideline to look at others.
My quickest way without even having to buy the book that I'll say to everybody is to study those four dogs. Study their energies and posture. Go online and search for one of those and then start matching the people. If you decided to take the assessment inside the book, it's called What Dog Am I? It's on Amazon. You're going to be able to see things from the perspective of each one of those quadrants and personalities so that you can look at people.
This is a huge tool for hiring and with my clients. I have clients that will not hire anybody that has not been vetted by an expert on the process and taking the tasks so that they can match the answers with the vetted of the professional to know that that person is indeed the personality that we are looking for. That is vital for knowing who should be doing what within your organization.
Somebody that wouldn't take the assessment, it's not a personality trait, but more of an un-refinement version of that person, stuck on their ways for whatever reason. I bet it comes in all different personality types, but remembering that it should be vital for you to know who you're dealing with so that you can anticipate their behavior and know how to best collaborate and enhance the performance within the collaboration.
I see how this could be something that would be easy to implement in your business and personal life as well. It's good about determining that intention and behavior and stuff and taking those things in. I absolutely love that. Ricelli, I know people are going to want to connect with you. What is the social media platform you spend the most amount of time and active on and how do you want them to connect with you?
The best way to connect with me is on LinkedIn. It's my name, Ricelli Mordecai, and that's a great way to see what this concept has done for other people as well.

What Dog Am I: Hiring people from different personality types is a great asset if you are capable of accepting that people have different perspectives and that we all have our parts to play.
Thank you so much for being here, Ricelli. I appreciate it. I absolutely love everything you've shared. The stories were really good as well, so thank you.
Thank you.
Here's the portion of the show where we ask our guests to share their number one marketing media or money strategy. Ricelli, what is your number one strategy?
You need to be passionate about what you do and tune in to what truly motivates you. That is the most important thing because when your words align with your results, that's when people see you as a professional and want to hire you or want to do business with you.
Thank you so much for being here with me. Thank you for sharing your insights and expertise with us. I appreciate it.
Thank you.
This show is sponsored by Meg Schmitz, Founder of Take the Leap Franchise Consulting Company. The franchise industry is booming as people look to diversify their income streams with essential businesses without having to quit their day job. To learn more and schedule a call, go to MegSchmitz.com. The conversation is free. The insights are priceless. To the readers, thank you so much for reading. If you enjoyed this episode and I'm sure you did, please subscribe and review the show on your favorite platform. Until next time, thank you so much for being here with us.