Amanda Goldman-Petri on Marketing, Media & Money Podcast

Understanding Traffic and the Awareness Domino with Amanda Goldman-Petri (Episode 039)

Patty Farmerpodcast

About Amanda:

After overcoming poverty, child abuse, rape, teen pregnancy, and near death, Amanda Goldman-Petri was able to persevere and grow 4 successful brands by the age of 27, generating over half a million dollars in sales in under 4 months. After perfecting her system for growing businesses, Amanda began her coaching career as founder of MarketLikeА She quickly became internationally renowned for helping entrepreneurs maximize their profits while minimizing the amount of time and effort they put into their business. The business quickly expanded to over 30 different countries and 6 continents.

While she was happy with her own results, Amanda realized true success as a coach is dependent on your client’s results. She therefore began shifting attention to how she could make a bigger impact in her clients’ businesses and lives. This led to her invention of a series of quick cash injection campaigns. Using these campaigns, her clients generated nearly a million dollars in sales in less than 60 days. Amanda became OBSESSED with impacting lives.

Amanda has been featured on major media outlets such as Fast Company, Forbes, The Huffington Post, Small Business Trendsetters, ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, Worth Magazine, International Business Times (and more). She was named one of the Top 30 Entrepreneurs Under 30 by Influencive, an Under 30 Up and Comer by The Tampa Bay Business Journal, and one of the Top 100 Women To Follow In 2018.

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Scale your traffic system. Make it predictable, sustainable. ~ Amanda Goldman-Petri Share on X

In This Episode:

01:46 – Amanda’s bio
03:22 – Amanda’s Aha moment
08:23 – The biggest roadblock that you had to overcome
14:02 – What do you do best in your business?
16:20 – What is prayer traffic?
21:07 – It all starts with traffic
23:09 – Traffic that converts
25:55 – Running paid ads/Facebook Ads the right way
37:45 – The awareness domino
47:38 – Amanda’s advice to entrepreneurs on paid traffic (Facebook Ads)
52:46 – Connect with Amanda
53:20 – Amanda’s FREE gift for listeners
54:21 – #OpenMic

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