Bobbie Maloy on Marketing, Media & Money Podcast

3 Words to Increase Copy Conversion with Bobbie Maloy (Episode 040)

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About Bobbie:

Bobbie Maloy is the owner of Conversion Hacker, a Copywriting and Digital Sales Consulting company. Since 2013 she has sold more than $67.2 Million of products and services online for herself and her clients.

A certified Master of NLP and perpetual student of what makes people buy, Bobbie has a proven track record of control-crushing offers, including 6-figure product launches, end-to-end sales funnels, and multi-million dollar promotions. From physical product sales to online courses and everything in-between, she pinpoints the conversion drop-off and helps companies create effective, compelling marketing campaigns.

Bobbie believes that words have power and affect people, so you better be aware of the words you use at all times.

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Start with emotion, end with logic. We buy based on emotion. We justify based on logic. ~ Bobbie Maloy Share on X

In This Episode:

01:40 – Bobbie’s bio
02:58 – Bobbie’s entrepreneurial journey
08:11 – Getting the title right
12:13 – Copywriting mindset
15:22 – The biggest block to writing effective copy
18:48 – The importance of congruent copywriting
25:22 – 3 words to include in your copy
31:10 – Using “Reason” in closing the sale
33:14 – 3 words to include in your copy, continued
34:21 – Making irresistible offers
43:15 – Bobbie’s advice to newbie entrepreneurs
48:27 – Connect with Bobbie
49:05 – Bobbie’s FREE gift for listeners
50:20 – #OpenMic

Copy can make or break your business online. So, get in touch with Bobbie Maloy if you want stand out copy for your landing pages, sales pages, videos, ads and more >>

FREEBIE: The Strategic Persuasion Checklist

Easy to follow checklist to instantly add persuasion, authority, and conversion copy to everything you write. Grab your copy!

Chatting with Copywriters Podcast – Listen and Subscribe

Join Bobbie Maloy and Kimberly Weitkamp as they breakdown Copywriting and Marketing into Actionable Steps for your business!

Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

Hemingway Editor App – Make your writing bold and clear!

What’s a tip or strategy that you would like to share?

Show up everywhere and PUBLICLY answer your prospect’s questions with your BEST information. Don’t try to hide your knowledge. The more you share, the easier you are to find. And the faster you become an expert. Your prospects will flock to you and pay you for the privilege.

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