Choosing the Most Productive (and Profitable) CRM for Your Business with Tamara Burkett (Episode 005)

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About Tamara:

Tamara Burkett is a savvy relationship builder who knows that authentic relationships are the lifeblood of a thriving business. Coupled with her master’s education in Organizational Management, Tamara helps small business owners find the right system to manage relationships and simplify follow-ups for a profitable and productive business.

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We're all going through the same process; we're just at different stages. - Tamara Burkett Share on X


01:14 – Tamara’s intro
02:17 – Tamara’s journey & Aha moment
05:31 – Important networking skills
11:00 – Tamara’s networking tips
14:39 – All about CRM
18:16 – Segmentation tips
21:57 – About unsubscribes
23:44 – About deciding to use CRM
27:33 – The best entrepreneurial advice you’ve received
30:22 – Tamara’s advice
31:45 – The lesson that took you the longest to learn
34:23 – Overcoming fears
37:38 – #OpenMic
39:02 – Connect with Tamara


Connect with Tamara for expert guidance if you don’t know where to start with your CRM or if you want to improve your existing one and make it work for your business.


5 Simple Steps to Finding the Perfect CRM
Increase your productivity and sales when you find the right CRM.

What’s a tip or strategy that you would like to share?
  • Evaluate your business before you start your CRM search.
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