Want to know the 7 key areas
needed to ramp up your business?

Flipping Your Side Hustle from Plan B to Plan A with Shannon Garrison Negi (Episode 014)
About Shannon:
Shannon Garrison Negi is a business strategist who specializes in confidence, clarity & creating visibility online for the savvy CEO mom who’s burned out of her 9-5 and ready to elevate her network marketing side hustle into a business she adores.
For years she’s been providing financial and strategic decision support to companies around the world including Deloitte, Warner Music, Kaplan Thaler, Capitol Records, NFL On Location Experiences and iHeartMedia. From saving $500k in expenses to growing a company from $0 to $40m in its first year her experiences have given her the knowledge she needs to help others get free on their terms.
Shannon believes that everyone should understand how to make money with ease and design a life they are in love with.
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Show up consistently. Show up as you. - Shannon Garrison Negi Share on X
01:41 – Shannon’s intro
02:38 – Shannon’s journey
06:25 – Side hustle myths
13:48 – Social media etiquette and building relationships
27:25 – Shannon’s advice to brand new entrepreneurs
30:52 – Overcoming roadblocks
32:20 – What do you love most about your business?
41:44 – Connect with Shannon
42:33 – Shannon’s Gift
43:07 – #OpenMic
Website: shannongarrisonnegi.com
Connect with Shannon for business strategies and systems that will elevate your business.
FREE 15-Minute Clarity Call
When was the last time you checked your critical business information on Google, Yelp, Facebook, not to mention all of the maps, apps, search engines, and directories? COMPLETE THIS FORM for a FREE LISTING SCAN to immediately see how your business is showing up online. You may be shocked at the wrong information that is floating around the internet about your business address, phone number, business hours, website, etc.
What’s a tip or strategy that you would like to share?
- Figure out what your strengths are and how you use them to serve your ideal clients.
- Stay the course and show up consistently.