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Master The Midlife & Mindset Shift From Corporate Employee To Confident Entrepreneur With Kathy Grassett (Episode 126)

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Corporate suppresses the real you. If you've been in corporate for so long, you are essentially molded and fabricated into the person you must become to succeed. Share on X
The corporate world creates a scarce money mindset. Share on X
Corporate employees are used to thinking of their value as a yearly salary figure. In reality, it doesn't represent what they are really worth. Share on X
When you get back to the real you and lead from a position of authenticity, it becomes the next level of success for corporate women. Share on X
Kathy’s Free Gift: Five Money Mastery Secrets of the 6-Figure Entrepreneur Who Came from Corporate
Kathy's #1 Marketing, Media & Money Strategy
About Kathy Grassett

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Master The Midlife & Mindset Shift From Corporate Employee To Confident Entrepreneur With Kathy Grassett
Welcome to this episode of the show. I'm looking forward to sharing this industry expert with you. We're going to shake it up a little bit. We're going to talk about mastering the midlife and mindset shift that comes with transitioning from corporate to being an entrepreneur. I know there are a lot of you out there who have made that shift, some probably more successful than others. We're going to have somebody who has mastered it and can help you master it, too.
Let me tell you a little bit about her. Kathy Grassett is a business coach, speaker, and leader specializing in career reinvention, business growth, and money mastery after a long corporate career. After a successful twenty-year corporate career in IT, she had trouble adjusting to life as an entrepreneur and realized her lingering corporate identity was limiting her potential, including the way she thought about money.
Kathy teaches clients her strategy for shedding the corporate layers that are holding them back, rediscovering themselves, and creating a simple but lucrative business model that will power them into exciting new levels of income. Her mission is to help her clients surpass their corporate success by making a lot more money with a lot less effort in a way that is powerfully authentic to them. I have to say I love that. Thank you so much, Kathy, for being here with me.
It is my pleasure. Thank you for having me.
A lot of times, people think about their journey to how they became an entrepreneur. For most people, or at least most people that I have ever spoken to in my 25-year career, they came from a job. If you work for corporate, technically, that is a job, yet we think of it as a career. When we're thinking about that, I don't think we always talk or listen to what that transition was like for them, like how hard it could have been for them. That’s because they had a position that held a lot of power, but maybe they weren't fulfilled.
If it was a woman, she was working in the whole good old boys club. Maybe she didn't feel like she could contribute more, but she didn't have a voice. Maybe she felt like she'd hit the wall and couldn't go any further. She was like, “What do I do now?” Maybe she was feeling a prompting that she didn't want to have a career. She wanted to work for herself. I love the fact that you're going to talk about that because there are a lot of people out there, specifically a lot of women, where this is exactly where they are, and they don't know what to do.
I love this. I love that you did have a twenty-year corporate career. Before we go into all the fabulous ways you can help people and what you've seen in your insights and perspective, why don't you tell us a little bit about your story? Limiting your potential and how it affects how we think about money are huge things. Can you share a little bit of your story and what made you bold enough to make a move because you knew there was something more?
I was one of those that started in corporate right out of college. Back then, there was no such thing as gap years and trying to find yourself. You jump right into your job or career. That's what I did. I started in corporate right out of college. I worked my way up the ladder. I've always worked in technology. I only had two jobs. My first was for only two and a half years, and then I spent the other eighteen years with the Walt Disney Company, which is pretty exciting.
Like so many people, I grew up. When I was in my twenties, my career was everything. That's what I wanted. I wanted it all. I wanted to go as high and as fast as I could. Life happens along the way. I got married and had three kids. I got older. Your priorities change. There were multiple things that all came to a head in my late 30s or as I was approaching 40 that were like, “This is not right.” It's that balance between work and family that wasn't doing it for me. It was the corporate culture.
We were in a position where there was a lot of outsourcing going on. The culture of the organization shifted because it was no longer a lot of direct employees of the company. There were people coming in there who were outsiders and didn't share the same passion. The culture of the company had shifted. I was getting tired of not having my personal life and well-being valued. It was how much can you produce, how late can you work, and how much can you shove in. It was all of those things. For so many other people, it created that storm. I was in this spiral that I was falling deeper. I was starting to get depressed. My health was declining. I'm like, “I can't do this anymore.”
When I started looking for what I wanted to do, I started looking at the job postings, “Where else would I go?” Every time I saw a job posting for a similar role but somewhere else, I was like, “It's going to be the same thing there, too. I'm going to shift the problems to another company.” That's when it started clicking, like, “Maybe I need to get out of this environment. I need to get out of this industry. I need to get out of this career and start something different.” That's when I set my plan in motion.
I love that because a lot of times, somebody can even work in a company and the company is fabulous. They love it, and they grow. They're heard, and they're inspired, but then, the company gets sold. New people come in, and they bring their people with them. All of a sudden, you're not being heard. You're not being valued. They're like, “You came with the package. We were told we had to keep the top ten for two years because it's in our contract,” or whatever the case may be, and the culture changes.
We talk about culture all the time. We are always talking about certain companies that have great cultures and what that looks like. In the last few years, even more so, we're talking about it. Not everybody wants to be an entrepreneur, either. Sometimes, we think that's the end all be all. As an entrepreneur, we think, “Why wouldn't everybody want to be an entrepreneur?” The reality is not everybody has the discipline or wants to do it. Everybody has the thing that's right for them, even if they don't know what that is.
I have a very good friend who is the sponsor of the show. She does franchising. What she does is help people figure out which franchise is the right one for them, whether they want to do it full-time, part-time, or want a revenue stream. There are a lot of different options and a lot more options that are available to us that have never been available to us before. That is a good thing.
With that said, going back to where you are in a corporate career leads me to a story. One time, this girl came to me and said, “I want to hire you. My husband let me take the last year off.” Her best friend had been killed in a domestic violence kind of thing, and she didn't know how to defend herself. She went off on this year thing of learning all about self-defense for women and all kinds of stuff. She wanted to serve in that way. Her husband told her that she had a year to do it to replace her income. If she didn't, she was going to have to go back to work.
By the time she came to me, she was nine months into that year. She was like, “This is what I need to do. I cannot go back to a job. I can't do it.” The thing that's so interesting, and you touched on it, but I would like to touch on it a little bit more when we're talking about shifting, is that sometimes, we may not be feeling fulfilled or happy. What we don't always realize is that all of those headaches we're getting, stomach aches, and some of the physical ailments we have are coming from that. We don't know why. We’re like, “Why, all of a sudden, am I having these problems? I'm having these problems, and I can't sleep at night. I've gained 40 pounds,” or, “I've lost 20 pounds,” whatever the case may be.
A lot of things that happen and how it shows up is because we don't realize where the change needs to happen. Where do we need to shift? I feel that the ability for people, specifically women, to walk away from corporate and know that they have another option is important. I know one of the things that you do is teach people what that shift in your mindset and your habit is. That's why I wanted you to come on because I know you have some ways to do that.
I would like to talk about what not to do and some of the things first because it's important. What would you say is probably the biggest myth or mistake that you see people do before they make this shift? When they're thinking about this shift, they haven't done it. We have these beliefs that we tell ourselves. We have these mindsets and beliefs we keep telling ourselves all the time why we don't do it. We're so unhappy, but some people stay for ten years before they make a move. It's a story that we're telling ourselves. What are some of the most common stories or myths that you seem to hear over and over again since this is your expertise?
There are so many. Let's start with the first one. It's something that most women don't realize until after they've made the leap. It would be so beneficial if they started this work a lot sooner. What I say to people is that corporate suppresses the real you. When you get out of corporate, especially for women who have been there for twenty years or more and climbed high levels, you are deeply integrated with that corporate persona. Your ego is associated with your status as the VP, CEO, or whatever you ended up reaching.
It is tough to shift from that persona to an entrepreneurial persona. Part of that is because if you've been in corporate for so long, you are molded and fabricated into the person you need to be to be successful in that type of environment. It doesn't matter who the real you are or how you are in real life. You have to be a certain way to be successful in corporate.
For example, I am an extreme introvert. It doesn't bode well for someone in a corporate position that has to work with global teams, lots of them, and be in a lot of meetings. It doesn't work well for an introvert, but I force myself to be an extrovert without realizing it. That's one example. Corporate adds all these layers on you to help you survive and succeed in that type of environment.
When you leave, those layers are still there. Essentially, you have these women leaving corporate after twenty years saying, “Who the heck am I? Who am I if I'm not VP of marketing? Who am I if I'm not the director of sales? I don't know who I am anymore.” That's because you've been suppressing the real person that you've always been. You could get all the right piece pieces in place. You could do all the right things, but if you don't get back to the real you and you're still operating from that corporate persona, which you've built to succeed in that environment, then everything is going to feel off. It may feel blatantly off, and you know that's what's wrong. It may feel subtly off, and you can't put your finger on it. Nothing you do is going to feel right because you're still operating from that persona. You have to peel back those layers and do some digging to get back to the real you.
Unfortunately, no one thinks of doing that thing. That's not something you wake up in the morning and say, “I got to peel back my corporate layers.” You realize that after the fact, it's, “Who am I if I'm not this?” They spend a lot of time trying to figure that out, which stalls their business growth. You have to go back to figure those things out. It's so important to figure it out because everything is going to feel out of alignment, disconnected, and incongruent because you're aligning with the wrong version of yourself.
That is so true. Even if you were successful in the corporate world and, for whatever reason, decided to leave culture in a corporate setting, it is not the same as building a culture in the entrepreneurial world. It's a different thing. I've been in both. I speak to both. I do a lot of training in both worlds, and it is not the same. It's not culture is culture. There are all different kinds of cultures, and you have to build them. Some of them, you walk into, and the culture's already built.
When you decide to open a business, you are creating the culture and deciding what kind of culture it is. It's up to you to start with that culture. It could shift if you're not on top of it. It’s like your brand. You don't get to decide your brand. Your customer decides your brand. It is subtle, but it is important to make sure that you create that culture.
I know, for me, when I was in the corporate world and then when I owned my own company that was brick and mortar with employees, we had a great culture. When I moved to the entrepreneurial world, all of a sudden, most of your people weren't even in the building with you, and you have this virtual team. Was it hard? In the first two years, I went through so many people and had such a turnover. I couldn't figure out why they couldn't work together and why I was spending so much time babysitting. I felt like a firefighter. All I did every day when I went to work was put out fires.
I had all these things. I couldn't figure it out because I was like, “It worked so well in my business before.” There are different things. What would you say about how your corporate experiences can negatively affect your business? If you don't know how to do it right, it can negatively affect your business. I don't know if it always happens. It seems like it would, but you're the expert. If this is where you had your business and you decide to leave, you're going to start your business, and you're going to do a lot of those things exactly the same way.
That’s because that's all you know, and they worked. Even if you weren't happy, they did work, and they got the job done, even if you didn't like it. You have to know. You said to me that corporate suppresses the real you. That's a powerful statement. Could you talk a little bit more about that? I know you were talking about layers, but what did you mean by corporate suppressing the real you?
One of the examples I gave is that I'm an extreme introvert, and I was forcing myself for over twenty years to operate in an environment that doesn't reward introversion. That's one aspect. It sounds counterintuitive. I know. You mentioned how we think and engage with money. That's another aspect. It sounds counterintuitive because if you ask women who are coming from corporate, making six figures-plus, and maybe they manage multimillion-dollar budgets at work, “Do you think you have a problem with your money mindset?” They’re like, “No. I make a lot of money. I work with a lot of money. I'm good.”
One of the things that I've realized is that corporate creates a scarce money mindset. Let me explain that. This is another way where I say your corporate experience sabotages your business growth. Think about it. When you're in corporate, you're in an environment where, let's say, your budgets keep getting cut or they don't get approved at all. Your resources keep getting taken away. The team members you need to do a job get assigned to something else. Your income grows linearly over time. There are all of these little things.
If you were in an environment where you get a bonus at the end of the year, there is usually a bonus pool. It was divvied up, and based on your rating, you've got a portion of it. All of these little things have created a money mindset of scarcity that money is difficult to come by, that it can get taken away at a moment's notice, and that you have to work hard to get it and earn it. All of these things are subconscious beliefs that you've been programmed with during your corporate experience.
If you think about it, those are the exact opposite beliefs you need to have as an entrepreneur. You need to believe that there is money out there to be made, there's plenty enough for everyone, you earn or deserve as much of it as you can get, and you don't have to work 80 hours and burn yourself out to get it. It's the exact opposite.
Corporate has programmed you to think of money in a limited, finite capacity, whereas as an entrepreneur, you can't have that belief. Your mind is going to be telling you, “No one's going to pay me for what I want to sell. There's not enough money out there. There's too much competition.” Those are the thoughts that are going to keep you stuck. You have to make that shift from being an employee in a corporate environment to being an entrepreneur and being your own boss. That is one of the major hang-ups with women. It is the way they view and engage with money.
How would you reprogram it? What are some of the ways? You have to reprogram or reset those money beliefs because that's true. I know that when you become an entrepreneur, a lot of times, people do have that problem with money. You have to have an abundance mindset because you have all kinds of partners out there that you can collaborate with. There are all kinds of opportunities. If you're so scared, then that doesn't work for you.
I've also seen entrepreneurs who come from corporate, and they're making that transition. They want to hold their knowledge to themselves because they feel like that's how they're going to make money. They're like, “Somebody has to pay me for that knowledge. I only have a limited amount of knowledge, so I have to be careful how I dole it out.”
The reality is you can always make more money. If you're willing to do the work, you can always make more money. You have your strengths, and then there are things that are not your strengths. The things that are not your strengths are where the most amount of opportunity is because this is where you can collaborate with other people. You can get to the marketplace faster because you don't have to do it all yourself. You get to choose somebody that vibes with you and that you're in sync, which is a little bit different. You do have to reprogram your money beliefs. I know that's one of the things you do. What are some of the ways that you help them to reprogram those money beliefs?
There are a variety of ways, but one of the ways is to understand the value of their time. When you're in corporate, you're used to thinking of your value as a yearly salary figure. We know that's not representative of what you're worth. It’s a number based on organizational dynamics and the whole bit. What you need to do is to get down to what your time is worth per hour. I don't recommend charging by the hour. This is more of an internal number for you, but I want you to understand the value of your time.
Calculate it out. I won't do the calculations here, but figure out what your time is worth per hour. That's a very powerful number as you go about your business day-to-day. When you get started and want an accountability buddy to talk to, you take on all these accountability buddies. One more accountability buddy for one hour a week is however much money you value your time. It helps influence the work you take on and the work you say no to. It's an important number that you don't communicate with anyone. No one's supposed to know it, and you don't charge by it. It's a powerful internal number for you to understand the value of your time by the hour so you can influence your decisions about the workload and where you spend your time. That's one important way.
That's important because I know that a lot of times, what happens is people go look at other people's websites. They’re like, “What are they charging? They're charging that. I could charge that, too.” They don't look at how maybe you've done it ten years longer. They also don't look at how maybe they did it ten years longer, and they have a couple of extra degrees. There could be a lot of different reasons why that isn't the way to value your time or your worth.
I also think that a lot of times, when they are looking at that, that's almost a sales velocity equation. You can do things. In my world of marketing, I tell people all the time, “You may have become an entrepreneur because you wanted time freedom. The fact of the matter is you could give yourself all the freedom you want, but at the end of the week, there isn't anybody who's giving you a paycheck either because you showed up.” You have to know that you also have to be able to be self-motivated.
I remember I did this exercise with clients sometimes where they felt like, “I worked so hard this week. I put in so many hours. I worked a 50-hour work weekend. I didn't make any money.” I said, “Let's try this exercise. Let's print out this calendar that's blank. Every day, I want you to think about how many calls you had and what you did. In the right corner is how much money you brought in.” Not everything you do, you get paid that day.
In the entrepreneurial world, sometimes, there is a longer cycle between how you're going to get paid depending upon what you do. At the end of the week, you have to ask yourself, “Was it activity, or was it productivity?” They're not exactly the same thing. Sometimes, what happens is when you're in corporate, you get some bad habits sometimes, too. What is that whole joke about all the gossip at the water cooler? You have a lot of time that you can do that, too.
There are good habits and bad habits. We all know that. What are some of the things that you have to watch out for? I still see it a lot, especially in the summer. I gave myself time freedom. I have my kids. I was like, “I’m going to work less,” and all this stuff. All of a sudden, I’m like, “Now, I can't do this, and I can't do that because I'm not making as much money.” You make your schedule.
I've also had people who had appointments with me. They'll say to me, “Somebody called me, and I needed to take care of that.” I always want to say, “When you're the CEO of your company, not only do you control your time, but you control your calendar as well.” Learning to control your calendar is super important. We do get these work habits. When we go work for ourselves, we bring some of them with us. Can we talk a little bit about that?
There are two of the worst ones that we take with us from corporate over into our business. The first one is busy work. We perfect the craft of busy work. What I mean by that is imagine you're sitting there any day of the week. It's 4:00 PM. You're wanting to get out of there pretty soon. You don't want to start anything major because you don't want to have to stop it in the middle. You're like, “What can I do to finish up my day? Let's go search the company catalog for training courses,” or, “Let’s do my expense report. I haven't done that.” We master the art or the science of busy work because we have that security of a paycheck.

Corporate Jobs: One of the worst things to take with you from corporate over to entrepreneurship is perfecting the craft of busy work.
It doesn't matter what the heck we do at that last hour of the day, any day, or whether we take a longer lunch. It doesn't matter because we know that paycheck is coming in because we're salaried employees. We get good at busy work. The work that doesn't contribute to the goal at hand is work we find on our own to fill the time. That's one, which is the busy work. We get good at it and take it with us into our business.
The other one is probably the worst of the two. It is overworking. We are in a competitive corporate environment. We're competing for the bonuses at the end of the year. We're competing to have the best ratings. We're competing to be in our bosses' minds that we’re the one that's the best. We're out there. We believe that in order to earn our keep, we have to overwork. We release those boundaries if we even had any at all. We work those 50, 60, or 70-hour weeks. We take the calls in the evenings. We take the calls on the weekends. We come into the office on the weekend. There's that environment.
Corporate culture doesn't value your personal life and your well-being. They want to push more and get it done in less time. You get used to overworking and burning out. That's what causes most people to leave corporate in the first place. It is that tipping point. What we don't realize is that becomes a programmed habit. Since that is what caused us to survive and succeed in our corporate environment, we replicate it in our business. It’s not going to be a salary this time. It's going to be investments that our clients are making in us. We have this feeling that in order to earn that or deserve that, we have to be doing all of the things. We have to work hard. We got put in all these extra hours. We got to work on the weekends.

Corporate Jobs: Corporate culture doesn't value your personal life and wellbeing. It pushes you more and more to get things done in less time.
I'm not saying that when you start your business, you could get off with ten hours a week, and you're going to make $1 million. That's not the case. When you replicate that bad habit, you are going to put yourself right back into a position where you were the first time when you left corporate. You're going to burn yourself out. You're going to stress yourself out. You're going to leave yourself frustrated, overwhelmed, and not like your business. That is a huge habit that we carry with us. It leads to failure. It is detrimental to our business.
I call that that's when your business owns you instead of you owning the business. I see that all the time. People don't always think about why they got into the business. As a speaker, I see it all time. A lot of times, people say, “Here's the picture of my kids and my family. That's my why.” That's not a why. It's a kind of why, but the reality is you have a real why. Your why could be deeper than that. It could be that you want time freedom so you can spend that time with your family, have some time to yourself, spend some time with your girlfriend without feeling guilty, or whatever the case may be. We always have these deeper whys, and not everybody understands those. Those are important questions.
One of the things that were huge for me was that I had built all these relationships. When you're in corporate and working alongside somebody every day, and sometimes, for years, as you were building it, you get to know people. You get married or divorced. You have babies. All of these things happen. Every day, you come in, and you always share. You’re like, “How are things?” When you're in the lunchroom or going to get something to drink out of the break room, or whatever the case may be, you're having a conversation with people.
You will make good friends. I'm not saying you don't, but I've asked people this. I find that I'm not the only person. When I left, that was all gone. At first, you stayed in touch, but after that, you didn't have anything in common anymore that was the common denominator that kept you together like glue. Pretty soon, as time went on, you lost that. You lost your network. Whether it was for referrals, support, accountability, or whatever the case may be, all of a sudden, you didn't have that. That was a real loss. It was such a loss that I could feel it physically of not having that person that every day I would go into.
It’s amazing to me that when you see people every single day and how much you have to say. All of a sudden, when you're not there every day, you don't. It's like, “It’s crazy.” Emotionally, that can be a setback, too, as you realize that was already there for you. These people were already there. You showed up. They were there. They were sitting in the cubicle next to you, the office next to you, or wherever the case may be. All of a sudden, you have to create that for yourself.
You quickly learn that you don't have anybody to bounce ideas off of, or you don't have your leader who could help validate your work and say, “You're on the right track. Keep going,” or, “I was thinking you do this instead.” You missed that. Initially, you think, “I can't wait until I can go do everything on my own. I don't want anyone telling me what to do,” but you quickly realize, “I don't have anybody. I wish someone would tell me what to do.” It's the weirdest paradigm shift ever.
I have a huge network, and I had to build that. What's interesting is you have different kinds of meetings and different kinds of things. You're not automatically going to sit next to each other at the company boardroom meeting or whatever. All of a sudden, you have to figure out how we are going to connect between your client’s and my client’s family. You have all these things. It's different, but it's so rewarding. There's not as much, if you do it right, competition. The good thing is when you're out on your own, there are infinite opportunities.
When you're working for corporate, they may say, “These are the three things,” and you're competing against gosh knows how many people for those three positions. That could be the bonus or whatever. You can bonus yourself if you do the work. You have a lot of things. Getting to tap into that, have mentors, and be able to have the time to be coached, hire a coach, be a part of a mastermind, or whatever the case may be, is very fulfilling. You get to do it on your terms and with your needs, not what somebody else decided for you, which is so rewarding. I feel like what you are doing in this mission of yours is amazing to be able to help someone make more money with less effort, but in a way that's powerfully authentic to them. I love that phrase, powerfully authentic to them. That is beautiful.
To me, those are the three things that make up the next level of success for someone leaving corporate. It's more money, and less hours doing it that’s powerfully authentic. You've been operating under someone else's constraints or under someone else's standards. When you get back to the real you and lead from a position of authenticity, that's where the magic is. More money and less effort in a way that's powerfully authentic to you is the next level of success for corporate women.
Kathy, thank you so much for being here. I enjoyed every single moment of this. I'm sure my audience is like, “This was a little bit of a different topic.” This is something that I'm sure that they either have gone through, are going through, or know someone who is. How can they connect with you? I know they're going to want to.
It is simple. My website is my name. It is KathyGrassett.com. You can find everything there.
Kathy came bearing an amazing gift. Tell us a little bit about the gift that you have for everyone.
It's called the Five Money Mastery Secrets of the 6-Figure Entrepreneur Who Came from Corporate. What it does is expands on that scarce money mindset that we talked about a little bit earlier. It connects for you the specific thought that you have had programmed in your mind in corporate and the secret to changing that particular belief. It gives you five great money mastery secrets to help you shift that money mindset to be a powerful and confident CEO of your own business.
I love that. Here's the part of the show I like to call the open mic portion of the show. As if she didn't already share with us some amazing information, what is your number one marketing, media, or money strategy?
Even though I'm a business coach and coach soup to nuts, from creating a niche to enrolling clients, it all starts with mindset. It all starts with getting your head in the game. My number one tip for you is to create a premium business identity. Let me explain. When you operate from your current circumstances with your current thinking, current behaviors, and current habits, you get current results. You get the same thing that you're always getting.

Corporate Jobs: From creating a niche to enrolling clients, business building starts with the mindset and getting your head in the game.
I want you to create an identity and relationship with your business in a way that helps you become who you need to be as that next highest version of yourself. It's going to be a version of yourself that's successful, aligned, authentic, and making the money you desire. Who do you want to be? Do you want to be a million-dollar meditation master that is badass, high-ticket, whole body healer, confident, and award-winning market expert? I want you to say out loud every morning, “I am,” and then fill in the blank. Finish that sentence with your premium business identity.
Here's what's important. Day in and day out, as you work your business, I want you to ask yourself. That person that you created in your mind, what does that person believe about this? Whatever you're debating on and whatever decision you have to make, what does that person believe about this? I then want you to move in a way aligned with those new beliefs. They may feel funny, a little awkward, or completely untrue, and that's okay.
Here's what happens. When you step into that future mindset and start to own that identity as your own, what happens is you lead with a new perspective. You start making far more powerful decisions, and you start pursuing your goals more boldly. Your brain starts focusing on you and directing you to the people and experiences that support that identity. Operating from your future desired circumstances with that future thinking and those future behaviors will get you the new future incredible results. Create that premium business identity and operate as that person starting now.
I love that. That is fabulous. Thank you so much for sharing that. Thank you so much for being here on the show. I appreciate having you.
You're welcome. It was such fun talking to you.
To my audience, thank you so much for joining us on the show. If you enjoyed this episode, and I'm sure you did, please subscribe and review the show on your favorite platform. Make sure to check out our sister publication, the Marketing Media & Money Magazine, at www.MarketingMediaMoney.com. While I'm thanking, I can't leave the show without thanking my amazing sponsor, Meg Schmitz, the Founder of Take the Leap Franchise Consulting Company. The franchise industry is booming as people look to diversify their income streams with essential businesses without having to quit their day job. To learn more, go to www.MegSchmitz.com. The conversation is free, but the insights are priceless. Thank you so much, everyone. Have a phenomenal week. We'll see you again soon.