Positive and Productive Ways to Overcome Chronic Idea Overwhelm with Kim Sutton (Episode 010)

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About Kim:

Kim Sutton is the host of the Positive Productivity Podcast, the author of the upcoming book, Chronic Idea Disorder: The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Overcoming Idea Overwhelm, and a business and marketing automation mentor. Kim lives in Ohio with her husband, Dave, and their five children.

In the Spring of 2016, Kim realized something was missing from her business. She was so busy chasing the successes of others that she had failed to figure out what her Why was. The purposeless chasing had led her into depression and anxiety.

Following much soul searching and inner reflection, she discovered that her Why was to empower entrepreneurs to achieve and appreciate personal and professional success — without burnout.

Thus, the Positive Productivity brand was born.

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Stop focusing on getting stuff done. Think about the prioritized purposeful actions. - Kim Sutton Share on X


01:13 – Kim’s intro
– Kim’s journey
– Kim’s advice
– Clear action steps
– What do you do best in your business?
– Strange tasks you’ve been asked to do
– Chronic Idea Disorder: The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Overcoming Idea Overwhelm
– Positive productivity
– Connect with Kim
– #OpenMic

Website: www.thekimsutton.com

Working too much on your business? Let Kim and her team support you with prove effective systems so you can find time for the self-care that you deserve.

Positive Productivity = Systems + Support + Self-Care

Podcast: Positive Productivity

Listen as Kim and guests discuss how to live a positively productive life in the areas of entrepreneurship, digital marketing, outsourcing, team building, online business, networking, relationships, work/life balance and more!


30-Day Work Smarter not Harder Challenge
The Work Smarter Not Harder Challenge is a 30 day series designed to provide entrepreneurs with the systems and strategies to get away from their business and back into bed (or… back to the people and activities they love.) Go sign up!

What’s a tip or strategy that you would like to share?

Stop focusing on getting shit done in your business. Focus instead on your TOP 5 Prioritized Purposeful Actions each day, and your goals will be achieved with more ease and less stress.

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