Turning Your Life’s Calling into a Profitable Business with Michelle Barr (Episode 013)

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About Michelle:

Michelle Barr is a Business Coach and Speaker Coach specializing in Messaging, Content, and Strategy, teaching you to turn your life’s calling into a profitable business you love by creating a vision of the life you want to live and then creating a business that supports and sustains it. Michelle shows you how she doubled her income and impact in less than 12 months by building a Personality Brand and learning how to speak for her business, then went on to create a solid six-figure business, and she now helps Entrepreneurs to do the same.

Michelle believes it takes both The Marketing to Make It Work and The Mindset to Make It Happen to create the Sacred Success you desire and deserve. She is the author of The Entrepreneurs Guide to Taking Action and From Calling to Cash: Turning Your Life’s Calling Into A Profitable Business You Love.

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Action is how we create and receive what we want. - Michelle Barr Share on X


01:41 – Michelle’s intro
– Michelle’s journey
08:42 – Michelle’s advice
11:12 – Having a brand — now or later?
– The biggest roadblock you had to overcome
– Ask a CEO
– What do you love most about your business? 
– What’s next for Michelle
– On choosing to do what you love
30:15 – Michelle’s gift
– Connect with Michelle
31:45 – #OpenMic

Website: michellebarr.com

Connect with Michelle and turn your life’s calling into a profitable business that you’ll love.

Check out Michelle’s publications on Amazon:

Get Your Foot Out of Your Mouth! The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Taking Action

From Calling to Cash: Turn Your Life’s Calling Into A Profitable Business You Love


Your Personality Brand Kit
This Super Sacred and Super Powerful Bundle will give you everything you need to shift into building a Personality Brand for yourself and experiencing the sheer POWER of building and growing your business using this model.

What’s a tip or strategy that you would like to share?
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