Linda Claire Puig on Marketing, Media & Money Podcast

Love Up Your Email List with Linda Claire Puig (Episode 056)

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About Linda:

Linda Claire Puig is an internationally recognized relationship-marketing expert and founder of the done-for-you article service known as Ready2Go Articles. Linda is also co-founder of Adventurous Life Int’l, which brings groups of professionals and entrepreneurs ages 40+ to international destinations to live, work and travel in community.

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Use email for its biggest and most powerful punch and do it frequently. ~ Linda Claire Puig Share on X

In This Episode:

01:53 – Get to Know Linda Claire Puig
04:00 – Linda’s entrepreneurial journey
08:36 – The best place to have the unsubscribe link / Embrace the unsubscribe
10:38 – The best email marketing tool
14:17 – Integrating social media and email marketing
19:11 – The biggest email marketing myth
24:38 – Important tip on writing subject lines
25:59 – Email sending frequency
30:01 – Email marketing for B2B vs B2C
32:05 – Email marketing metrics
35:17 – Thoughts on segmentation
37:28 – Linda’s advice on nurturing email lists / Handling cold lists
– Marketing mistakes that discourage audience from responding to offers
– Linda’s FREE gift to listeners
– #OpenMic
– Connect with Linda

Get in touch with Linda Claire Puig and her team if you’re ready to grow your business and online presence using high quality, professionally written done-for-you content.

FREEBIE: 5-day “Love Up Your List” Facebook Challenge
It’s a 5-day event with daily training and homework, games and prizes, to help participants build a warm audience that responds to their offers.

FACEBOOK GROUP:  Adventurous Life Club
Join the group that helps online business owners realize their dream of seeing the world, while still being able earn a living. To create a laptop lifestyle and work from anywhere.

What’s a tip or strategy that you would like to share?

The old-school strategy of using email to nurture your audience and make offers is still one of the very best ways to generate sales. But you may need to be emailing more often than you currently do.

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